Meeting minutes

Scroll down for meeting minutes (most recent first)

June 4, 2019 - Last general meeting of the year. Meeting started at 6:33pm.
Members present: Lauren Tankersley, Lynne Wheeler, Nichole Woodrich, Carly Takata, Diana Ash, Katy Campbell, Aubree Lozano, Julie Gill, Kristie Lindsay, Theresa Sygitowich, Alicia Hanning.

Principal Talk: State recognition. Val Lloyd will be going to accept the award for the school. There were 127 elementary schools recognized and we were in 2 different areas, closing gaps and growth.
The school district will be supplying all the school supplies for next year. 
PTA Business: The meeting minutes from May were adopted in. 
Treasurer Report: A motion was made and approved to void 2 checks - Katie Geri $97.64 & Beth Lott $100. Amazon smile credit $43.33. Box Tops credit $140.07. Ending bank balance for the year is $24, 216.76.
Membership: Katy Campbell and her husband along with Mr. White are now PTA members. 
The board will mend their bylaws to state the following: “Any staff members that request any money above their allotted $200 classroom dollars will have to be a paid PTA member”. Motion was approved. 

2019/2020 Calendar: Ice cream social, jog a thon, Bingo night and MCT. PTA meetings next year will be on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except June. Carly says science night next year might move days. Possibly October or December. It’s out for vote with the science board. 

Request for funds: Julie Gill, new books for her classroom library for the kids struggling to pass their AR and below class level. $115.00 was approved.
Ms. Wright $50 to purchase copies of the book her classroom wrote for the school library. Approved. 

Fundraising: Aubree is moving so Kristie Lindsay volunteered to take on box tops for next year. 
Yearbooks will be here the 12th or 13th. 

Events: Talent show Saturday June 8th. End of year skating party at skagit skate. 6th grade party location was approved and the district is not catering it this year. Bellingham bells game over summer possibly. PTA will post on FB if this is going to happen. Ice Cream social is day before school starts next year, August 28th. Katy Campbell will lead this. Katy also wanted to incorporate an art project for the school at this event. Curriculum/Reading night lead needed for next year, October? Jog a thon lead needed for next year, October 4th. Harvest Festival lead needed next year (not on district calendar but lead still needed). Andrea Anderson or Amie Wheeler were suggested as leads.

School/Staff Support: Field day in Monday the 10th. Kristin is buying popsicles and Aubree will help lead pie in the face and silly string. 
7 wanted planners and 7 homeschool folders. Mrs. Takata wants to keep better tabs on what teachers are using this upcoming year. PTA would like to order them by July 1st, Carly will get back to us by June 2th on what we should purchase. Talk about possibly going electronic with monday notes etc next year was mentioned. Nothing finalized.

Unfinished Business: Katy brought some simple publisher designs for school art. She suggested that we have the classrooms vote on what art pieces they want to put in the school. This may be a next year thing and do basic art statements this year? Katy will put a budget together for the basic designs. The dangerous basketball hoop is gone and hope to get both new ones up this summer. The district wants to fund all water improvements at acme and not the PTA. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Last general meeting of the year. 

May 21, 2019 General PTA Meeting Members present: Lauren Tankersley, Kristin Syre, Renee Kalsbeek, Caity Patten, Eria Fifer, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Julie Gill, Katy Campbell, Kristie Lindsay. Meeting was called to order at 6:30PM. PTA Business: The minutes from the last meeting were entered into record. Treasurer Report: Bank Balance on 4-1-19 $30,034.34 / 6-30-19 $26,500.63 Lynne has entered the restricted funds line items in money minder with everything else so they are no longer separate. Playground $6,096.40. After School Enrichment $750.00. Garden Club $719.02. Teachers did mention that we should make it very clear that we have combined their classroom dollars and field trip money so there is no confusion. We were thinking of just sending out an email to make sure they all know. The 2019 Budget was adopted in and approved. It was brought up that some people feel that teachers should have to be PTA members to receive their classroom dollars. It was suggested to do this for any money over their allotted classroom dollars. We will be bringing it back up at the next/last PTA meeting of the year. Membership: 13 Teachers, 7 staff members. Kristie Lindsay volunteered to join the board as Vice President for 2019-2020 year! This was voted in by all the members present. Request for Funds: Jeff purchased playground equipment! Tennis balls, four square rubber ball, football, basketball, assorted balls, material to paint the 4 square under the covered area. Mrs. Lindsay requested a cork board and it was approved. Committee Report: Mountain School was great! A male chaperone made a world of a difference. There was also a behavior contract that was put in place for students who wanted to go which also helped. Staff appreciation was great! The teacher’s loved it. Muffins with Mom was also great. We ordered 15 dozen muffins and were 5 muffins short so it was a great turn out and next year buy more than 15 dozen. Safeway muffins were used this year in all sort of different flavors. There was also cuties and bananas and strawberries, water and coffee served. Science Night was awesome. If you RSVP’d the teachers displayed your board. 178 projects were presented. There is an issue of kids not getting their projects done at home so Erica Fifer did volunteer to possibly help kids who need it for next year. Nothing was decided for sure, but the “Science Board” is in discussion with Carly about possible changes next year. Fundraising: 39 Fred Meyer households. $140 check was just received! Yearbooks are done. Enrichment Programs: Erica Fifer says the younger class is doing much better this year! Rachel is their instructor and is doing amazing. No negative feedback so far this year. There is $750 left in After School Enrichment which we thought maybe could be used for Erica’s idea to help the science projects next year? Talent Show: We have about 15 acts and the show will be June 8th from 5-7pm. Kristin will sell flowers, single stem roses for a buck each. Free popcorn will be served. It should be a great show! Flyers were distributed around the valley and we will be getting a program printed from the print shop. End of the year roller skating party will be June 14th at skagit skate. 6th grade party will be June 12th hopefully at the river property. Renee will follow up on that. Jog a thon is set for October 4th. Katy Campbell wants to help the lead. Lead still needed. Harvest Festival still needs a lead. Possible suggestions are Amie Wheeler or Andrea Anderson mentioned she might be interested in leading it. Will follow up. Erica Fifer says that she always has girl scouts that would love to help with any of our events! School/Staff Support: Field Day: PTA is buying popsicles and volunteers are still needed. Planners: Kristin will talk to Carly. Kristie doesn’t need folders for her class and will be getting a list going of the teachers who do and dont. Unfinished business: Beautification proposal. Katy Campbell has given quote for her art services and is willing to take on this project if approved. The PTA and Carly are still trying to look at all of their options. Nothing has been decided yet. Will follow up at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM. Next general meeting will be June 4th, last meeting of the year!

“The little PTA that could” - Melissa Menti

April 16, 2019
Members present: Lauren Tankersley, Katy Campbell, Kristin Syre, Carly Takata, Jessica Keskey.
Meeting called to order by Kristin Syre at 6:35pm. 
Principal Talk: Carly and Jessica are working on the anti bullying campaign. “Rude mean or Bullying?”. They are asking for assistance in eliminating bullying from Acme by communicating with them as early as possible if something is going on. Smarter Balanced Assessments for grades 3-6 start in May. They worked with many classrooms to provide students with test anxiety strategies.

Treasurer Report: Ending March Balance $34,221.83.  
Outstanding Check: $2867.00 Mountain School
$1122.85 MBHS (Janitor fees/Transportation)
$1250.00 BAAY Program/Allied Arts
Recommend Voiding: 1256 $100 Katy Geri June 2018 
1185 $100 Beth Lott June 2018 
(The above checks were not discussed at this meeting and will be brought up at the next meeting)
Restricted Funds: Playground $6,096.40
After School Enrichment $1750.00 (Still need to pay BAAY so this isn’t accurate)
Garden Club $719.02
After School Enrichment: We need to follow up with Erica about this. Allied Arts was paid but we still need to pay BAAY approx $1250.00. Erica is looking to get another grant for next year. Carly wants to make sure they have enough non classroom meeting spaces so the teachers arent losing some of their planning time in their rooms. The Gym is a possibility. YMCA programs were also brought up as an idea for after school enrichment. The classes this year were full in the younger class and we think only about 4 kids in the older class but will follow up on that. 

Nominations: Lynne has stepped down as treasurer for next year but will finish out this year. No replacement yet. If nobody steps in then we will leave the VP spot vacant and Nichole will be treasurer. It was also mentioned that the PTA may be “quiet” next year. We will discuss further at our board meeting on Friday May 10th 2019.

Request for funds: Jordan Larson requested additional money for their field trip. We will not be approving this request for funds due to teachers already having a field trip line item and it would not be fair to other teachers to approve this request. Side note: Katy will be doing some research on field trips at Acme and what it costs to go to different places so she can compile some information for future use. 
Katy Campbell submitted a request for funds “Only one you” rock art project. The total amount requested was $153.50. The project will be based on the book written by Linda Kranz and will have kids paint on rocks to form a pathway somewhere around the school. It ties in with the anti bullying event going on at the school. We approved this request and gave a $200 budget. We will also be discussing at the next board meeting adding a line item for “Beautification of the school” so further projects can get done around the school to brighten it up. Carly will try to get us a quote/plan by our May board meeting.
Jeff Schmidt informed the PTA of a new basketball hoop being installed and wanted to know if we want to purchase the second one. Kristin has been in contact with Ben Thomas about this and she is waiting to hear back from him about the basketball hoop, water bottle filling stations and the custodial clarification and will let us know when she does. There could be some issues with asbestos in the walls of the gym which may hold things up. 

JA day went great. Still waiting on 20 kids with no signatures for yearbooks. Date and Paint will be brought back up next year. School Garden is going great. 
Mountain school: Cary said it was good. There were some supervision challenges. Acme didnt have a “Man” to pay to be there so they had to pay approx $700 for a male teacher from another school to come. It looks like we were under budget for Mountain School so the PTA could pay for that teacher if necessary? Nothing was finalized. 

Lead needed for jog a thon next year. No updates. 
Kristin will be getting coffee donations for muffins with mom, Lauren will bring muffins and fruit. 

It was brought up that the Bellingham Bells would be a good way to end the school year possibly to replace the skating rink this year? Kristin is going to see if she can cancel her contract (if that’s what is chosen) since we haven’t paid yet, and check with the bells to see what all it would involve us doing. To be continued…. 

Staff appreciation week: Monday - Katy Campbell; Tuesday Aubree Lozano with donuts; Wednesday Lynne Wheeler with drinks; Thursday Kristie Lindsay with gifts, Friday Lauren Tankersley with muffins and fruit. 
Click and Degroot will also be doing a week of staff appreciation. Monday Carly with coffee and bagels, and the rest I believe will be meals (TBD). 
Science Fair: Kristin purchased trifolds. Will double check if she needs to buy ribbons. After school child care again and a meal that is provided by the PTA. Kristin looked into Jimmy Johns and it was going to be around $800 so it will be pizza unless we can find something else. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:09PM Next meeting is May 21st 2019.

March 19, 2019
ACME PTA GENERAL MEETING * Note that February’s meeting was cancelled from weather
Members Present: Lauren Tankersley, Nichole Woodrich, Carrie Hartle, Jeffrey Schmidt, Sarah Harder, Julie Gill, Erika Beaudin, Lynne Wheeler, Kristin Syre, Kristie Lindsay, Roxanne McCloud.
Meeting called to order at 6:31pm by president Kristin Syre. 
Guest Speaker: Roxanne McCloud came from Junior Achievement. Roxanne is reaching out for volunteers, parents and businesses. Her goal is to bring mostly outside volunteers. She brought in a 2nd grade “kit” to show us what was included. JA day is April 16th and Roxanne will be here with coffee and treats for the volunteers. She suggests they take online training if their schedule is busy but she can also do one on one training. Teacher feedback from last year included doing JA day a different week, and not on the last week of the month. Roxanne also wanted to make sure volunteers know that people can share days if they would like! Kristin thought that we could contact the River of LIfe Church in Van Zandt to see if they would be interested in JA day.
Principals talk: Carly wasn’t able to attend the meeting but Julie Gill shared with us. Everyone LOVED the teacher conference dinner. Carly and Mrs. Keskey are going to be starting an “Anti-bullying and bullying awareness campaign”. March: Difference between Rude, Mean Moment, and Bullying. April: Empathy. May: Being an Upstander. 
PTA Business:
Treasurer Report: Bingo $7,208.79. Amazon Smile $125.84 Bank Balance: $35,028.22. Restricted Funds: Playground $6096.40. After school enrichment $3,000 Garden Club $719.02
Membership: Currently 47 members. Mrs. Keskey has now joined and we have 13 teachers. Kristin has received emails saying that our PTA has gotten a silver and bronze award for the addition of new members to our PTA.
Nominating Committee: We were unable to recruit a nominating committee so Kim Cook volunteered to try and get the word out. Emails were sent out requesting any new suggestions for board members. Nothing was received back. We have decided to go with the same board members as this year. Kristin Syre president, Nichole Woodrich vice president, Lynne Wheeler Treasurer and Lauren Tankersley Secretary. Members present voted and all were in favor. 
Request for funds: Jeff Schmidt has requested funds to repaint the lines in the covered area of the playground and possibly purchase some equipment such as tennis balls or hula hoops. A motion was made to give Jeff a budget of $100 to spend to get this done and the PTA will reimburse him. Custodian still has $50 available in the budget. Jeff also said he will be asking the district if they can reinstall the soccer goals that were removed from the field. Kristie Lindsay wants to look into “Beautifying” the school still and maybe the PTA can buy the paint for that? This will be discussed at the next meeting after more information is found out. 
Committee Report: 
Movie Night: The second movie night had to be cancelled due to weather. We will not be rescheduling this. The leftover candy was used for Bingo Night. 
Bingo Night: Nichole did an amazing job! Turnout was great. Lots of kids won prizes this year. Chili dogs was the dinner, thinking of doing nachos next year. Paying the custodian ended up being the entire budget for the event which was not planned. We need some clarification with Carly on what the rules are for hiring custodians for our events and checking out keys. Kristin will follow up with Carly and discuss at the next meeting. Total brought in was $6,712.00.
Box Tops: $280.00 Amazon: $125.84 We have 39 households connected to fred meyer.
Year Books: Theme is “Get Gritty”. Kristin says they want everything by April 1st but she doesnt think that will happen. Still sorting out child permission slips in classes. 
Date and Paint Night: Kristin would like to try to incorporate this into “Beautifying” the school. Maybe PTA buys the canvases and we do donation at the door? Thinking a nice thing to do around mother’s day. Still looking into this….
After School Enrichment: K-2 has not received any paperwork home about this, the other grades have. Kristin has not seen the flyer, looking into whether Carly has or not as well. We are already receiving filled out forms from the older grades. Concerned about the first come first serve aspect as we don’t know whos forms came in first. We need to contact Erica to get some information.
Garden Club: Erika Beaudin has stated the club again! She will be at the school for 2 hours mostly on Mondays, but could be other days as well. No sign up sheets, first come first serve. About 6 kids at a time. She had approximately 24-26 kids in one day. She says that she would like to get a people pool going in case she cannot make it so there is someone to fill in for her. She is currently working with Pat Coffman (sp?) but would like to see more volunteers. Kristie Lindsay mentioned if they are running out of garden space, they can always plant things in the “ugly” space between the portables! 
Mountain School: 24 out of 29 kids are going. 3 Chaperones. Mr. Dunkan the special ed teacher at Kendall will also be there to help. PTA still needs to get out a check.
Missoula Children's Theatre: The contact has been filled out and mailed along with a $500 deposit. A scholarship was filled out to see if we can get any discount on the price. Renee Kalsbeek has confirmed lodging for next year. The show will be Peter and Wendy. Jessica Rodriquez has agreed to play piano again for the show next year. The dates will be 12/2 to 12/7 2019. We need to make sure we warn the next directors about not parking or driving in the yard of their rental. 
Mariner’s Night: We have decided to cancel this for this year and will revisit next year. We like the idea of doing a “Bellingham Bell’s Night” instead. We think we call them and tell them we are doing an “Acme Elementary” night there and people just buy their tickets there but we sit in a special spot and they announce us? Will look more into this. 
Muffins with Mom: Lauren is leading this. I will purchase muffins and some fruit to bring to the school in the morning. We are also incorporating this into Staff Appreciation Week. Parking is always an issue. Julie Gill will try to think of a solution on the teachers part to free up some parking, maybe park in the grass behind the portables? Also adding a note on the flyer for parents to try and carpool is a good idea.
Staff Appreciation Week: Monday - Nichole Tuesday - Aubree with donuts Wednesday - Lynne with drinks Thursday - Kristie with Get Gritty lanyards Friday - Lauren with muffins and fruit. 
Science Fair: Kristin will lead and purchase the boards and ribbons. 
Science Van: Kristin has the paperwork and they are coming the day after the science fair 5/17/19. Volunteers are needed to be there that day, Kristin will send out an email about it. 
New Business: Kristin has proposed that we should look into getting water bottle filling stations installed. One in the building and one in the portables. Jeff informed us that there may be grants we can get from “Ospri”. We should look into the lead levels for the school and this is something we will have to get more information on and contact the district about. 
Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm
Next meeting is Tuesday 4/16 at 6:30pm in the Acme Library

“The little PTA that could!” - Melissa Menti

January 15th, 2019
Members Present: Lauren Tankersley, Kristin Syre, Lynne Wheeler, Russ Pfeiffer-Hoyt, Aubree Lozano, Carly Takata, Renee Kalsbeek, Kim Cook, Nichole Woodrich, Jessica Keskey, Carrie Cranbourne, Kalei Click, Julie Gill, Kristie Lindsay.

Meeting called to order by PTA president Kristin Syre at 6:30pm

Principals Talk: Acme has a new councilor! Her name is Jessica Keskey. Acme will be piloting having chocolate milk available every day for lunch for the month of february. Each class/grade will be teaching grade appropriate lessons to educate students about MLK day as well as a school wide art project.

Guest Speaker: Russ Pfeiffer-Hoyt! He spoke about the districts legislative priorities. They would eventually like to add 2 more portables to Acme, and are looking into fixing the basketball hoops for the gym. We currently have 4 chrome carts at the school.

The meeting minutes from 12/11/18 have  been entered into record with one change; Chris Elder attended the meeting and was not listed. Lauren has updated that in the minutes.

Treasurer Report: We have brought in $301 in Box Tops money! There was a $550 donation that was put into the playground fund in restricted funds.

Membership: We currently have 46 members, 13 of which are teachers!

Nominating Committee: We did not get any volunteers to be on the nominating committee to recruit people who want to be on the PTA board next year, so Kristin will work on getting a committee together.

Request for funds: There are no new requests. Teachers say the kids are LOVING the ping pong table. The second table should be delivered this week.

Math Night: Carly says it went great and wants to thank the teachers who volunteered and the PTA for providing the little caesars pizza!

Fundraising: Bingo night is coming up! Nichole is winding down on getting donations and now needs volunteers (sign up sheet was passed around). Teachers will need to talk with eachother to coordinate their projects.

We currently have 39 households signed up for the Fred Meyer rewards program and have brought in $274.08.

Kristin is currently working on the yearbook. She still needs pictures. Permission slips were sent home with the kids.

Box Tops - We have received $301.70 from this! March is the last month to turn them in so Aubree is working on a trophy to give the class with the most turned in as a last minute incentive. Aubree will work on a Summer idea for the end of the year.

Enrichment: Still a work in progress. The pottery class will not work out as the person who would have taught it (Amie Wheeler) can only come on Friday’s which will not work. Carrie Cranbourne wants to get some information from her neighbor Lydia who teaches dance classes to see if that is an option for something we can do with the after school enrichments funds.

School Garden: Erica has said she is planning to do something in the Spring. Carly and Kristin are going to set up another meeting with her about this soon.

Mountain School: Tonight was the first parent meeting night and they passed out ten chaperone applications.

Events: The first movie night of the year is this friday! They are looking into the idea of purchasing pre-popped popcorn this year. TBD. The movie will be Smallfoot and the next movie night will most likely be Incredibles 2.

Mariner’s Night: Nobody volunteered to lead this and there doesn’t seem like there is much interest in it so we have decided to drop it for this year. Kristin is going to look into possibly doing a date and paint fundraiser night at Acme instead!

Muffins with Mom: Lauren has volunteered to lead this event. This will also be one of the days for staff appreciation week (Friday).

School/Staff Support: March 21st is the Conference Dinner and Kim Cook and Renee Kalsbeek have volunteered to lead again.

Staff Appreciation week: Kristin will lead. Everyone will take a day again. Monday - Nichole Tuesday - Aubree Wednesday - Lynne Thursday - Kristie Lindsay Friday - Lauren.

Science Fair: PTA will just need to purchase poster boards, food and volunteers on Friday again. Carly will talk with teachers in February more about this. We will ask for a lead for this event at the next PTA meeting.

Unfinished Business: We are going to put new stage curtains on the back burner for now until the stage gets cleaned up and organized. Carly wants to revisit the idea of getting some art in the school. Val Lloyd has a connections to an artist in Bellingham. Carly plans to start an art committee to get the ball rolling on this. We also talked about possibly getting a school mascot?

New Business: Lynne was approached by the district librarian who wants to bring back the bookfair to Acme. We spoke about this and have decided that we are not interested in that at this time and do not currently have the space for it.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:06PM

The next PTA meeting will be 2/12/19 at 6:30PM in the Acme Library

“The little PTA that could!” - Melissa Menti

December 11, 2018
Members Present: Lauren Tankersley, Carrie Cranbourne, Julie Gill, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler,
Aubree Lozano, Kim Cook, Renee Kalsbeek, Carly Takata, Erica Fifer, Kristin Syre, Alicia Hanning,
Chris Elder.

Meeting called to order at 6:30PM by President Kristin Syre in the Acme Library.

Principal Talk: Carly requests that if a parent has an issue to come to her first before social media; and
to remember she is restricted by law on what she can and cannot say or do.  There is also a district
playground inspector this year who has informed us that when the wood chips freeze to a certain
level, parts of the playground need to be closed for safety issues.

PTA Business: Meeting minutes from the last meeting on 11/13/18 have been entered into record.

Renee, Aubree and Lynne did a mid-year audit of the books and everything looked great! Lynne
changed the following on the budget: Llallas to Larson. Wright from 4th to 1st. Harder from 3rd to 4th.
Andrew’s from 6th to 3rd.

Michelle is requesting teachers to copy the PTA in on any field trip planning, in hope to try to keep up
on paying for any invoices which is very nice but the district needs to be more on top of sending our

We currently have 35 members on the PTA, and 5 new teachers have joined!

Request for funds: Second ping pong table will be purchased in the new year for Mr. White.

Alicia Hanning brought up that there are not enough lights in the playground area. Kristin asked Alicia
to get more info (i.e. type of lights and cost estimate). Carly says there is some research to do with
the district on this request.

PTA was given the green light to purchase bags and balls for all the teachers and a pump!

Teacher conference dinner was a success as well as Missoula Children’s Theatre. Lauren has sent off
the request for next years contract with MCT and is awaiting the contract. We need to reserve the
house for next years directors ASAP, or we might also have a second option to use a guest house of
Aubree Lozano’s. TBD.

We will be going with a “Get Gritty” theme for the yearbooks!

After School Enrichment: Erica Fifer has 2 options for us. Allied Arts Class which is K-3rd grade. 1 day
a week for 8 classes for 1.5 hours and 12 kids for $1,000 OR 15 kids for 12 weeks for $1,250. They
would need 1 volunteer. The other option for 4-6th graders would be for student mom Amie Wheeler
to do a pottery class (her time would be donated) for $500-600 for supplies for 12-16 kids and would
need 2 volunteers. We are looking into this option for Spring time, possibly March and Erica said she
can coordinate volunteers.

School Garden: Nobody has been maintaining it, it’s been cleaned up but we aren’t sure where to go
from here. With classes having random recess times and Erika Beaudin only being available at
specific times we currently do not have a volunteer to run this.

Mountain School: 15th mountain school meeting. The idea of having a donation bin for warm clothing
for mountain school was brought up. Erica and Chris will follow up on April 10-12th.

Kristin will do January’s math night with Carrie Cranbourne shadowing her who will then in turn run
February’s math night!

New Business: Renee will no longer be able to lead the Mariner’s Night so we are currently looking
for a new lead for that.

It was suggested that we update the bylaws to include that all PTA members must have background
checks completed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02PM. Next meeting will be January 15th 6:30pm Acme Library.

“The little PTA that could!” - Melissa Menti

November 13, 2018
Members present: Lauren Tankersley, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Kim Cook, Mary Sewright,
Julie Gill, Kristin Syre.

Meeting called to order by PTA president Kristin Syre at 6:30pm in library.

Guest Speaker: Mary Sewright. MBSD is still looking for substitute teachers and bus drivers. Mary said
she is hoping there will be more chromebooks in spring time. See “Entry Plan” packet from Mary about
phases 1-3. Phase 1 - (March 23-June 30, 2018) Pre-entry/Transition. Phase 2 - (July 1-Dec 31, 2018)
Starting Strong/Building relationships. Phase 3 - (Jan 1-June 30, 2018) Update Strategic Plan/ Continuous
Improvement /  Community Engagement.

PTA business: The meeting minutes from 10-16-18 were officially entered into record. The taxes are
prepped and ready to file!

We currently have 30 paid PTA members.

Request for funds: Mr. White’s request for ping pong tables was approved. Members are going to see
if he would prefer 2 tables rather than just 1. $434.00
Jessica Rodriguez has requested funds ($165.00) to be able to tune the piano. Request approved.
Acme fire department has requested a money donation towards purchasing a new sign for their
building. PTA voted and approved a $500 donation towards the sign purchase. They have currently
raised $2000 of the $5000 they need for the sign.

Budget changes: Curriculum and Reading night were moved into 1 line item and given a $400 budget.
$100 was moved to request for funds
A line item was added for PTA meetings (Door prizes/food for meetings)
$500 was pulled from School Garden and moved to gifts.
School garden still has a $300 budget
New Business: Next general meeting in December we are going to try to do a “Holiday Party”.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm. Next meeting is 12-11-18.

“The little PTA that could!” - Melissa Menti

October 16, 2018
Members Present: Lauren Tankersley, Carly Takata, Kristin Syre, Kim Cook, Anne Skelton, Aubree Lozano, Lynne Wheeler, Nichole Woodrich, Caity Patten, Chris Elder, Alicia Hanning.

Meeting called to order by president Kristin Syre at 6:34pm.

Principal Talk: Carly spoke about how Acme has grown tremendously with our Smarter Balanced Assessment scores. There are two focus areas, growth and proficiency. Grades 3-6. Our scores have increased dramatically since 2014. Smarter Balance helps students graduate high school ready for college and the workplace.

Guest Speaker: Anne Skelton the new librarian! She has worked in our district since 2003. She is excited about Acme’s Sasquatch trip and this will be her 13th year doing it. It is approx 12.50$ per student including bussing. Anne will be at Acme every Monday, Harmony tuesdays and Kendall Wednesdays. Anne also let us know they are partnering with the whatcom county library to set it up for the students to be able to bring their books to the elementary,

The meeting minutes from September were officially entered into record.

Treasure Report:
Incomes - Jog-a-thon $997.95. Spirit Wear - $123 Fred Meyer - $139.99 Donuts with Dad- $8 donation.
Our taxes are currently in the process of getting done.

PTA will need to follow up with Tristin Rieken to see if she will still be willing to run our PTA website
Nichole Woodrich will be taking over the membership duties. We currently have 29 members!

Request for funds: Staff has requested 35 more chromebooks which would cost approximately $7,500. They currently have two carts with 30 chromebooks in each. The district will be providing more chromebooks but it could be within a span of 3-4 years. If more chromebooks were provided teachers would be able to set up a rotation schedule for research/technology. The chromebooks cost approx $215 each. Kristin Syre says that we will have to see where jog-a-thon leaves us financially and then go from there whether the PTA can provide this request for funds.
Donuts with Dad: Aubree Lozano lead this event. 22 dozen donuts were purchased and they only had 11 left over! Everyone got a full donut this year. Parking was an issue, as it always is. There was approx 250-260 people there.

Jog-a-thon: Lynne Wheeler lead this event. She has sent an email to staff requesting any feedback or suggestions for next year as this was the first year we have done “Tri-for-extras”. The only feedback she has gotten so far was that the name was confusing. Lynne is in the process of counting the money that has been turned in so far and expects a lot more to come in this friday. Lynne expressed her feelings of possibly wanting to pass the torch on this event for next year and if not, then she will want to change a few things such as not counting laps and having it be a flat donation. It was also noted that the school has gotten the BEST staff feedback this year than ever before!

Curriculum Night: Lauren Tankersley lead the dinner portion of curriculum/reading night. Pizza was purchased from Westside pizza this year. 35 large pizzas (pep/cheese) and four salads for $304. There was 2 pizza’s left (which were left for the staff meeting the next day) and we did run out of salads so note that for next time. Gatorade was served in the 5 gallon pta jug (purchased from cash and carry for 8$) and lemon water from Lauren’s water dispenser from home. The school had after school child care this year and the PTA provided the snack (costco granola bars). Attendance was more than last year, partially because reading night and curriculum night was combined this year. A suggestion to save money on food costs for next year would be a taco bar (but we would have to look into the logistics of that) or having it catered by La Gloria was suggested as well.

Fundraising: Nichole will be helping Kristin advertise more for fundraising.

Box Tops: Aubree is getting them in! She is going to try to do something every month to advertise, possibly dress up the mailbox for a monthly theme and put it in the office?

Spirit Wear: Bre Zender was not at the meeting but is still taking the lead on this. The question of do we need to be making money on this was brought up at the meeting.

Yearbooks: Kristin might not be able to do it this year depending on her work. We are still using the picture company and the deadline is February. Will have to follow up.

After School Enrichment: Erica Fifer was not at the meeting but is still working on this apparently.

Missoula Childrens Theatre: Kim Cook is leading and the only issue she is having is finding someone to video the performance and sell dvd’s. The old company we used cannot this year. There is usually around 20-25 people who purchase the dvds. Nichole and Lynne are going to look into some options they know of and follow up. Deadline for finding someone is November 1st.

Mountain School: Chris Elder says it will be late April to Early May, no locked dates yet.
Harvest Festival: Lauren is on track with this event. Acquired just enough volunteers to run event. Still waiting to hear back from some contacts about student volunteers. It was suggested to contact Mr. Dickman the ASB leadership class. Lauren will follow up. There has been a good amount of people volunteering to donate baked goods/cakes.

Conference Dinner: Kim Cook has volunteered to lead this event and Lynne/Kristin will help with back up.

New business: Alicia Hanning came to the meeting to speak about the need for childcare in the area and asked if we had any suggestions or ideas. Alicia has contacted the pastor at the Acme church and they are currently looking into the legal aspects of having kids in the church for that. The PTA would love to support in any way we can but might be pretty restricted liability wise.

Kristin Syre called the meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
Next meeting will be November 13th, 2018 at 6:30pm in Acme Library
Board meeting will be October 25th, 2018 at 6:30pm at the Acme Diner.
Entered into record by: _______________________________ Date: ______________________

“The little PTA that could!” - Melissa Menti

September 18th, 2018
Members present: Lauren Tankersley, Lynne Wheeler, Nichole Woodrich, Carly Takata, Kristin Syre, Julie Gill, Carly Markowitz, Kim Cook, Aubree Lozano, Diana Ash, Eika Beaudin, Alicia Hanning, Renee Kalsbeek, Chris Elder.

Meeting called to order by PTA President Kristin Syre at 6:30PM. Introductions.

Strategic Plan: Kristin briefly read our strategic plan. We have a goal to get new curtains for the stage. The district will be taking care of providing new tablets. Headphones will be needed for every student. Mrs. Gill suggested we send home a letter to all the parents suggesting to purchase earbuds for their child to bring to school. The PTA cabinets are still an issue that will need to be addressed. A new goal that was not on the strategic plan that was thought of by Carly Takata will be to “Brighten up the school with murals and inspirational quotes”.

Principals Talk: Recess - Shift to teacher supervised recess broken up into 1 or 2 recesses. This allows 30 more minutes to teach in the classroom! Lunch - Students are eating in the cafeteria this year. Assemblies - Shift from monthly lower impact assemblies to less often higher impact assemblies to recognize more students for authentic awards. Our goal is to maximize student learning, increase instructional minutes, minimize playground concerns, and create the best opportunity for students to succeed and learn. GRIT - Is the ability to persevere, persist and keep trying even when things are challenging This is a focus for Acme this year. Coffee with Carly - Once a month in the Acme Library from 9-9:30am on a Friday. It will be a time people can come and “check-in” with Carly with questions. Not meant to be a parent/principal conference directly about how their child is doing. Carly may request help from teachers and the PTA in regards to baked goods or coffee. Real Food Assembly - September 26th at 2PM. This is fairly new to the current staff at Acme. Circus performers will come and teach the kids about healthy eating habits. It's a 35 minute assembly.

Common Threads guest speaker, Carly Markowitz: Common Threads is a non-profit organization with a goal to grow healthy eaters and teach kids about seed to table food. They are currently in 21+ schools and Carly is the teach for Acme and Harmony Elementary. Carly moved here from New York just for this job and this will be her first year with Common Threads. Carly is very excited about the endless opportunities she has to teach the kids at Acme about healthy eating and the garden and also would like to bring “life and color from the garden into the school!”. She is open to discussing any ideas people may have for the direction of this class and also would like to volunteer her “break” time to help out in the cafeteria at lunch time. Common threads will let the PTA know if they need any support from us. Currently they would like to have volunteers, but it is not a requirement to run their program.

The meeting minutes from June 5th, 2018 (Last meeting of the 2017-18 school year) were approved by all.

Standing Rules: There were two additions - #12 “Event leads must be a current, paid, ACME PTA member”. # 19 “ Treasurer shall deposit all funds within a timely manner”. These additions were voted in by a all.

Treasurer’s Report: Lynne briefly went over the ending balance of last years budget. Then went over this years budget. Lynne Wheeler made a motion that we hire an accountant to do our taxes this year since we had 84+ thousand in the bank balance last year. Motion was approved by all.

PTA Membership: $10 per person or $19 for you and 1 family member.

PTA Monthly Newsletter: Nichole Woodrich will be taking this on and has a goal to get the letter out a week before our meetings. Event leads can contact her with anything they would like to add to the newsletters. Nichole will be working with Tristin who will be updating our website for us.

Request for Funds: PTA currently has 2 requests. Mrs. DeGroot would like a 10 month subscription to “Go Noodle Plus” which is has academic brain break activities. Students will continue learning during brain break times with all subject areas including literacy, math, social emotional areas. Mrs. DeGroot currently still has her classroom dollars to use of $100. PTA wants to know if we can get a school license so all of the staff can get access to this program is we purchase it? Is this request on top of her classroom dollars? Kristin will be following up with this and will discuss at the next meeting.
Request for Funds CONT. : Mrs. Orr would like us to purchase book holders for her classroom. The one’s she currently has are chipped and dangerous for the students. Kristin confirmed they are in bad shape. The target brand book holders do not fit on her metal shelf in the room, and the price for the one’s she would like would be $106.93. She has 24 students in her class. PTA is concerned if we purchase these for her that we will get all of the teachers wanting new book holders; do other teachers need new book holders? Mrs. Orr still has her $100 classroom dollars. We are going to suggest to her to use that first to purchase these book holders and if she finds she needs something else later on to come back to us with a request for funds. We would like to have a member of the PTA at one of the staff meetings to explain to the teachers about how our request for funds works and what they can use their classroom dollars for.

Financial Review: This was done over the summer by Lynne Wheeler, Lauren Tankersley and Heidi Brown. Everything looked fine!

Playground Summary: We still have money left in our restricted funds for any other playground needs and we can use it at any time. New playground unveiling went great.

Ice cream social: Under budget! Went through 18 gallons of donated ice cream from Acme Ice Cream. Lauren Tankersley will be sending them a thank you card. Next year we may review and change some things.

Jog-A-Thon: Carly and Lynne will be changing how this works this year as a trial run. There will be 3 stations - Running for 20 minutes. Reading activity for 20 minutes - Dance for 20 minutes. The school is trying to make this event more well-rounded day of enrichment for the students, to celebrate both mind and body! We will use rubber bracelets for counting laps this year. Pledges will still take place. Some of the top prizes this year are a hoverboard, drone, kindle fire, 4x4 RC car etc.

Amazon/Box Tops:  A reminder was sent home with the September PTA newsletter. Aubree Lozano is lead on box tops and is working on sending out a flyer about it for October.

Spirit Wear: Bre Zender will lead this. May bring back “trucker hats” and sweatpants per requests. Will follow up at next meeting.

After School Enrichment: Erica Fifer did not attend meeting but is working on it. Erica or Katy Campbell cannot volunteer their time this year. We still have $3,000 in restricted funds for this. PTA had idea that maybe teacher’s would be interested in this?

School Garden: Erika Beaudin is working on figuring out how garden club will work now with Common Threads. They are still trying to figure it out. If the kids continue to do the work in the garden there shouldn’t be a need for an adult. Erika thinks common threads having volunteer’s is a good idea.

Missoula Children’s Theatre: Kim Cook is leading and everything is on track except she cannot get ahold of the videographer they used last year. Diana suggested to use WWU film students this year? Mrs. Rodriguez will be playing the piano again this year. The rental house is paid for already.

Mountain School: Chris Elder is leading. No date yet but will be meeting with Kristy. The program re-constructed their dates to randomly assign schools dates now. He is going to follow up. No deposit made to Mtn. School yet.

Donuts with Dad: Aubree Lozano leading. Diana will help. Needs volunteers! $100 Winco gift card will be used to help pay for product needed.

Harvest Festival: Lauren Tankersley leading. Needs volunteers! Has everything on track. Parking will be an issue….. FFA and Honor students have been emailed to request student volunteers to run the carnival games.

Staff Luncheon: Lynne Wheeler lead this, everything went smoothly!

Reading/Curriculum Night: Lauren Tankersley will lead the dinner and the staff will be taking care of reading night. Carly is meeting to determine whether they will give kids options to stay after school this year and will let us know. If so, we will provide them with an after school snack of some kind. Chris Elder may be able to provide apples and carrots but not sure if we are allowed to use them? Will follow up. Westside Pizza will be providing the Curriculum Night dinner. Pizza and Salad.  $304.36 for 35 Large pizzas, pepperoni and cheese plus 4 salads. The owner Alden is giving us a great deal but would like us to advertise his business at the event.
Teacher Conference Dinner: To be determined. No lead yet.
Bob Wallin Insurance: We did not win.
New Business: PTA received a thank you card from Mrs. Larson for her pencil with her name on it. We have a new Librarian - Anne. Aubree Lozano would like to lead bringing the Darkness to Light training to the school this year in hopes to get more to come.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53PM.
Next Meeting 10-16-18. Entered into record by: ____________Date:_______________

“The little PTA that could!”-Melissa Menti

April 10, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT: Carly Takata, Aubree Lozano, Erika Beaudin, Lauren Tankersley, Katy Geri, Nichole Woodrich, Kim Cook, Kristin Syre, Tristin Reiken

Meeting called to order 6:30

GUEST SPEAKER: Mt. Baker Academy came to share their Parent Partnership Program located at the Jr. High. This program is to help support families and students who do not fit into the traditional school systems. This is a site based program where students attend on site classes at least 20% of the time and are at home with district created curriculum 80% of the time. Each student enters Mt. Baker Academy with their own Individualized Student Learning Plan and have monthly progress reports sent home. There is more information on the district website.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tristin welcomed everyone. Reminded the table of all the GREAT things we have accomplished this year and that everyone should be very proud.

-There is a Power of Partnership Survey online that is Live now and asks that everyone take a minute to fill this out. This helps us to see what programs and activities families value most.

-Board will have a Board Meeting this Sunday 4/15 to go through the budget line by line to bring to the next meeting to vote on.

PRINCIPAL REPORT: Carly spoke on the SBAC testing that is happening now through June for all 3rd-5th grade. This state testing is ELA and Math with 5th grade including a science portion.

-Science Project packets are coming home this week. This is required for all 4th-6th grade and recommended for K-3. Science Night is May 17th. Requested help setting up and scoring projects.

-Kinder Registration is April 19th from 4-7 PM. Please let the office know if you know of any kids who will be of age for Kinder next year. And help spread the word!  


-Minutes accepted as written

-Treasure Report accepted as written


Yearbook: Going well.  
Box Tops: Competition was amazing. We collected 3,535 box tops. The kids LOVED spraying Mrs. Takata! Reminder that we are collecting box tops ALL YEAR
-After School Enrichment: First class started today and went well! Both aged classes are full and BAAY allowed one extra kid in the older class for the same cost. This is a pay per class cost not a per kid cost. Invoice is coming soon and we will get a check written ASAP.
-Mountain School: Went great! It was cold and wet, but kiddos had fun!
-School Wide Art Project:  
-Mariner Night: Flyer is coming home this week. All money is due by April 17th. We will make a Facebook Post about the train. PTA needs to by 4 tickets.
-Muffins with Mom: Kristin will lead
-Science Day Support: Nichole and Kristin will co-chair. They will meet with Carly to discuss detail and Erika will let them know who she has confirmed as support for this.  
-Staff Appreciation: Kristin will lead-hoping to find a committee and have each person take a day
-Junior Achievement: Still may need a few volunteers for the day.
SCHOOL/STAFF SUPPORT: Remind teachers that they have their classroom money to spend

Meeting adjourned at 8:00
Next Meeting date: May 8th Acme Library   Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

March 13th, 2018
MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynne Wheeler, Lauren Tankersley, Carly Takata, Val Lloyd, Tristin Rieken, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Erica Fifer, Kristin Syre, Sarah Harder, Erika Beaudin, Nichole Woodrich
Meeting called to order @ 6:31
-Nichole welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.
-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.
-Principal Report: Carly will be attending the first 30 minutes of the meeting only and only speaking on pre-scheduled topics. Mary Seward was hired as new Superintendent. She will being her transition up into the district and will begin her position full time July 1st.
-YouTube character Jeffy puppet is becoming and issue with Acme Students. This “show” is very inappropriate and Carly would like to get the word to parents to monitor what kids are viewing on YouTube. Many kids are bring devices to watch on the bus ride to and from school. Carly strongly suggests contact transportation with concerns over technology use on buses. Bringing White Hatter back to district or Acme.
-April is sexual harassment month. Acme will be bringing in a professional development –extension of Darkness to Light. 6th graders will then receive a mini lesson in class and then Acme will hold a Parent information night. This will be a school event but Carly will let us know how we can support.  
-Presidents Report: Does the new board want to go to convention this year? May 18-20th in Vancouver, WA
-New board and old board will meet to work on Budget and Calendar for next year. This will be presented at the June Meeting.
-If members have any suggestions on the budget or calendar please pass information/concerns/comments to a board member.
-New Board will take over July 1st.
Nominating Committee: Kim Cook, Heidi Brown and Kristin Syre have brought the names as following for nomination of the 2018/2019 school year.
President: Kristin Syre
Vice President: Nichole Woodrich
Treasure: Lynne Wheeler
Secretary: Lauren Tankersley
Tristin asked members if there are any other nominations. There were no further nominations.
New Board was elected and will take over July 1st. Outgoing board members and incoming board members will meet before that date to pass off knowledge and materials.

-Erika presented to treasure report
-report was accepted into record as written
-The check written to the District for $50,000 for the playground has yet to be deposited.
Bingo Night: Bingo Night and Auction was a huge success! Great turn out despite the snow. Every class created a class project to donate!! $4747.36 was restricted to playground funds!  
Yearbook: Kristin is in the process of getting this ready for print. The price increased $1.00 so our price to families will also increase $1. This is mostly an in and out for the budget.
Box Tops: $150 income from latest submission. There is currently a school competition. The class that returns the most will get to silly string Mrs. Takata at the March EOM assembly. This competition ends on the 23rd.
-We have 350 points to use by May for Labels for Education. This program has been discontinued. Tristin will use the points to purchase playground balls.
-After School Enrichment: There is an after school enrichment committee. Erica Fifer is taking the lead. The 1st session will be a visual art program. We will offer a K-2 and a 3-6. Each group can hold 15 kids. This will be a paper registration and be based on a first come first serve basis. If more than 15 kids sign up for a class then participation will be based on a rubric-we will create this rubric if and when it is needed. First session will begin April 10th and run through May 29. Tuesdays at 3:30-5:00.  BAAY is looking for at least 1 parent volunteer to help with each class-this is so the kids get the most out of the program as the can. These 2 classes (1st session) will cost around $2000.00. Next year we can apply for a Title 1 grant through BAAY. We would like to track starting attendance and ending attendance to track success of the program.
-Mountain School: Everything is on Go!
-School Garden: Nothing new to report as of now.  
-Girls on the RUN: Assistant coach is needed.
-Movie Night: GREAT!
-Mariner Night: Game is scheduled for May 6. It is a 1pm game against LA Angels. We have reserved 100 seats. Cost of tickets are $33. PTA needs to purchase 4 tickets for a Jog a Thon prize.
-Muffins with Mom: Kristin will lead
-Science Day Support: Lead needed. Purchase boards and ribbons.
-Staff Appreciation: Lead needed. Or Committee. One person takes a day!
-Junior Achievement: June 12th. Need volunteers (12) to teach a class. All lessons are prepared and ready to teach with small prep time. Teachers are not allowed to teach their own classes. All classes teach financial literacy to students.
-Conference Dinner: Staff dinner was AMAZING! Teachers loved the extra loving touch!
-Playground: -Check and donation letter has been given to the District. The school board accepted the donation. The PO is in the process of being signed (incorrect total was brought to the first meeting). We still have a current restricted funds line amount of $9169.61.
-New sound system is installed with laminated instructions on how to use! Thanks BRETT!
- Carly would like to bring in short enrichment pieces to the EOM assemblies. Ideas are welcome! Tammy Cooper-Woodrich will tell Native American Stories at the March. Kristin will look into her mom doing a seeing eye dog presentation. These should only take about 30 min and EOM will continue as normal.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32

Next Meeting date: April 10th Acme Library   Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

February 6, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Cook, Ashley Sterling, Erika Beaudin, Katy Campbell, Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Elton Naytens, Erin Dean, Lauren Tankersley, Renee Kalsbeek, Kristin Syre, Aubree Lozano, Brett Johnson, Lynne Wheeler

Meeting called to order @ 6:31


-Tristin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.

-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.

-Presidents Report: Tristin reviewed PTA parliamentary procedure and how we rely on those guidelines  to run smooth and effective meetings. PTA follows Roberts Rules of Order.

-Home Stretch of remaining school year: Nominating Committee is needed to find candidates for board members. Committee report is due by February 23rd. We will vote on a new board at our March Meeting. New Board and Old board will meet in April to draft a budget for 2018/2019 School year. This new budget will be voted on at the June Meeting.

Nominating Committee: -Heidi Brown

-Kim Cook

-Kristin Syre


-Erika presented to treasure report

-report was accepted into record as written


-no new update


Bingo Night: Planning is underway and donations are starting to come in. Nichole is looking for help to solicit donations. Nichole needs baskets to package items and large tin cans. Looking for volunteers to help set up and help during event.
Lynne made a motion to restrict any income over $4k to playground. Kim Second- 13 votes yes 1 vote No.
Yearbook: Kristin is heading this again. The book will look the same as last years with a directory in the back. Theme is Stars. It was mentioned that it would be nice to move towards a FREE directory and keep yearbook as pictures. The cost of this may increase as distributors prices have gone up.   
-After School Enrichment: The funds from the grant are to be used for After School Enrichment. The entire amount of donation does not need to be spend on EduArts. We will begin this program with visual arts EduArts program. We need to form a committee to continue bringing these programs to Acme. Moving forward we will present 3 possible activities to members and vote on what next activity will be. We will need to create a Rubric System if number of kids exceeds the capacity of program.
-Mountain School: Right on schedule. Working through Volunteer applications. Payment is due in April
-School Garden: 2nd/4th grade do not get to participate in garden club because they receive garden education inside classroom. Students who signed up to do garden club spend 1 recess a week for 2 weeks in the garden. Garden club runs all year long. Looking for volunteers to take a leadership role.
-Katy Campbell is working on creating a school wide art project to add to the garden. She will need volunteers (Dates are to be determined) and supplies. Looking for spare wood or PVC pipes. Will need financial support for materials-this money will come from the Garden Club Line  
-Movie Night: First movie night went well. Second Movie Night is Friday Feb 9th. Showing the Nut Job 2. Will set up after school –looking for volunteers for that.
-Mariner Night: Game is scheduled for May 6. It is a 1pm game against LA Angels. We have reserved 100 seats. Cost of tickets are $33. PTA needs to purchase 4 tickets for a Jog a Thon prize.
-Conference Dinner: March 8th. Lauren Tankersley will lead. She will reach out to let us know what she needs
-Playground: We have received at $40k donation from local man-David Syre. Playground Committee is continuing to reach out for donations. We will make up an info board to have at Bingo Night. Members would like to see a “buddy bench” incorporated into the new playground. Donation jars have been set up at Acme Diner, Everybody Store, Blue Mountain Grill and Glenhaven Store.
-look into replacing curtains on back of stage
-Box Top Classroom competition-with highest earning class to win class party.
-Katy would like to bring Terracycle to school. She will research and present information at next meeting. She would be willing to lead next year.
-Brett Johnson is interesting in helping to replace sound system equipment through his church. PTA will support in anyway possible.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27
Next Meeting date: March 16th Acme Library   

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

January 16, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynne Wheeler, Kim Cook, Aubree Lozano, Renee Kalsbeek, Carly Takata, Sarah Harder, Katy Campbell, Kristin Syre, Erica Fifer, Charlie Burligh,  Erika Beaudin, Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Lauren Tankersley, Heidi Brown, Ashley Sterling

Meeting called to order @ 6:30


-Tristin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.

-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.

-Tristin presented news of Acme PTA being the recipient of Giving to Good Program from Startbucks. Acme PTA was awarded 25 $20 Gift Cards for the work we do within the community. Tristin gave every member present a gift card. We will decide what to do with the remaining cards.

- Nominating Committee: we need a nominating committee, all board positions are open. Nominations must be brought to the current board by 2/23.

-Board held a board meeting on Jan 5. We voted to approve an expense of $200 for MLK assembly. -Board also recommends budget change. This change will include adding a budget line for Garden Club and After School Enrichment- this is for restricted funds of these programs. We will also create a spreadsheet to show these funds and transparency. Erika Beaudin motioned to make budget changes Carly Takata 2nd. Unanimous vote yes!

Playground: During board meeting we took a close look over our remaining school year budget. We feel confident proposing to spend $10,000 towards new playground this total includes the $2860 restricted playground funds -bringing our total funds to $35,000. Heidi Brown motioned to spend $10,000 on playground Nichole Woodrich 2nd. Unanimous vote yes!

GUEST SPEAKER: Charlie Burleigh, MBSD superintendent spoke on the upcoming LEVY. Ballots will be mailed January 24th and will be counted on February 13th. Detailed information on the Levy can be found online and in district newspaper. The funds from this Levy will fund many different projects around the district (parking lots, roofs, technology expansion, building upgrades and much more) If this levy does not pass there will be higher competition for money usage within the district.

Girls Scout Troop #40721 presented the data they collected from students at Acme regarding playground updates. By working on this project they are working towards earning their Silver Award. They took information from surveys to create a blue print design based on highest interest equipment. Girl scouts will share their findings with the playground representative in order to partner in creating the best playground for our school.


-Erika presented to treasure report

-report was accepted into record as written


-no new update

-Received a $50 donation from Mt. Shuksan American Legion – thank you note has already been sent.

Bingo Night: Planning is underway and donations are starting to come in. Nichole is looking for help to solicit donations. Nichole needs baskets to package items and large tin cans. Looking for volunteers to help set up and help during event.  
-Missoula- Went great! Kim will lead this again next year-with help from Lauren in hopes she will take over event the following year. House has already been reserved for next year. We will need to make a payment for house over summer.  
-Movie Night: Janurary 20th Renee Kalsbeek will take lead. Everything is ready to go. We need to find cords from last year to connect to the speakers. Kristin Syre will lead February 9th.
-Math Night: Went great! Families loved the competition. Certificate and small prize was a good incentive to up participation. We will need to look at budget line for next year and increase this amount.

-BAAY –BAAY staff will run this program. Looking at doing first class in April. Looking at doing Tuesdays from 3:25 – 5:00. Depending on number of participants we may need to create a rubric for kids to attend and work out a system of rotating kids through classes.
New Business:

Meeting adjourned at 8:20
Next Meeting date: February 6th Acme Library   

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

December 5th 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Lynne Wheeler, Kim Cook, Aubree Lozano, Renee Kalsbeek, Carly Takata, Paul Spring, Erika Beaudin, Tristin Rieken, Russ Pfeiffer Hoyt, Nichole Woodrich

Meeting called to order @ 6:31

-Tristin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.
-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.
-Erika presented to treasure report
-report was accepted into record as written
-no new update
JOGATHON: Ice Cream party for top earning class was successful. JAT is wrapped up for the year-with purchase of Mariner Tickets still needing to be purchased in the Spring.
SPIRIT WEAR: second order will be in before winter break.   
Bingo Night: Planning is underway and donations are starting to come in. Nichole is looking for help to solicit donations. Nichole will set up a committee meeting in January. Also seeking help on finding and securing donations.   
-Missoula- Going great! Saturday performances are at 1pm and 6pm. Still need chaperones for girls and boys dressing rooms. The 6:00pm show will be filmed and cds will be sold.
-Movie Night: Janurary 20th Renee Kalsbeek will take lead and February 9th Kristin Syre will lead. Tristin will look into Movie License
Conference Dinner: Dinner for staff went well and everyone enjoyed and was thankful for the meal!
School Board member Russ Pfeiffer Hoyt came to speak to us about school board responsibilities and upcoming changes. Mr. Pheiffer Hoyt complimented our PTA and financial documents and thanked everyone for their dedication and drive in supporting our students and school. Mr. Pheiffer Hoyt discussed responsibilies of a board member such as; strategic plan (this is online), financial obligations such as creating a budget, purchasing curriculum, levies, bonds etc, take on parent concerns, Early Childhood education, Citizenship, at risk youth, social/emotional curriculum, emergency planning
Tech Levy is coming to an end and many great additions and improvements were made (list of where funds were used is online), New levy will be on ballot this February-Capital Project Levy. Funds from this levy will be used but not limited to finishing HS roof, Field house, Kendall Elementary roof, Acme electrical upgrades, Acme internet matching funds, playground and safety improvements at all schools.
Superintendent search- district is using and outside hiring firm. There is an online survey open to all to receive input from community members, staff members and school board members. Dec. 14 @5pm school board will review all input and come up with a synopsis and officially post position.  

--Playground: Meeting this Friday Dec 8) all are welcome to attend.
-Melisa Menti has ordered the feet for sasquatch readers.
-Lynne Wheeler purchased ice cream treats for lunch helpers
New Business:
-BAYY- we have received a substantial donation to implement an afterschool arts program. This would be 100% run by employees at BAYY Erica Fifer is going to take the lead on this. More information and process is still being figured out at this point.
-Hot Chocolate send off- Mrs. Rodriquez would like to send students off with the 4-6 choir singing and giving student hot chocolate. Choir will perform at the EOM  assembly and hot chocolate will be given during the attendance and to classrooms after lunch.
-There was a house fire of an Acme Student. House was a total lose. There are collection bins set up at Acme in the office and in the Glenhaven Club house. Family could use anything and everything.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12
Next Meeting date: January 16th in school library  

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________
November 14, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Heidi Brown, Ashley Sterling, Lauren Tankersley, Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hidy, Kim Cook, Lynner Wheeler, Renee Kalsbeek, Chris Elder, Kristin Syre, Nichole Woodrich

Meeting called to order @ 6:30

-Tristin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.
-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.
-Financial Review Committee- Heidi Brown and Ashley Sterling will do this
-Erika presented to treasure report
-report was accepted into record as written
-no new update
-JOGATHON: Spent $1546.75 for all prizes and supplies. We still need to purchase Mariner Tickets in the fall. Assembly went great-THANK YOU Carly for the help. There was not much feedback about the Goat but kids seemed to love it. It was helpful to include Carly and Michelle in the entire process!
-Spirit Wear:  Orders have been received. Sizing is a little off-complaints about being too big. We will do another order and switch out sizing for those who are unhappy. We will resell in the cabinet.   
Bingo Night: Planning is underway and donations are starting to come in. Nichole is looking for help to solicit donations.  
Small Funds:  Fred Meyer- maybe need to re enter card number yearly..Still looking into this.
Box tops: Submit by Nov 1st. Aubree has requested a spot for a goal sign to help bring in more box tops
-Missoula- Renee and Lynne will put together a Welcome Basket for the directors. Kim is in need of extra brown paper grocery bags for costumes. Permission forms are due by Nov 20 and Auditions begin on Dec. 4th.  Kim is also looking for volunteers for both Saturday shows. She needs:
-2 male and 2 female for dressing rooms
-2 for ticket sales
-2 CD/shirt sales
Harvest Festival Event was amazing. The nose game was a huge hit!  

Conference Dinner: Taco Bar/Salad –everything is ready to go!

--Playground: Kristin and Carly have met a few times. Prices are looking between $40K-$80K. However there does seem to be some conflicting information. We need to focus on getting funds secured. Kristin will head the Playground committee
New Business:
-District has hired a committee to help hire new superintendent. November 21 there is a meeting in the Acme Library at 630.
-There is a Levy coming up –we will invite a speaker to come and share more information with us so we can be advocate for this.
-Jones Creek info-meeting was held and Ashley will post more information to help keep our community informed.
- Script Fundraiser: This is a program where we purchase gift cards to stores at a discounted price and sell them at face value. Do we have someone interested in taking this on?
Meeting adjourned at 7:44
Next Meeting date: Dec. 5 2017 Acme Library  

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________
October 17, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nichole Woodrich, Dusty Gee, Lynne Wheeler, Kim Cook, Amie Wheeler, Lauren Tankersley, Tristin Rieken, Carly Takata, Melissa Menti, Aubree Lozano, Erika Beaudin, Kristin Syre

Meeting called to order @ 6:30

-Tristin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Read the vision.
-minutes were emailed for review. Minutes were accepted into record as written.
-Check from Fred Meyer was returned. This was from when we had an issue with our PO box. Tristin will contact Fred Meyer to get a new check issued.
-Erika presented to treasure report
-report was accepted into record as written
-sitting around 27
-JOGATHON: Still collecting money. Prizes have been ordered. Volunteers on run day was just right. There was not an overflowing amount. Lynne has helpers for counting money and getting prizes ready to distribute.
-Spirit Wear: we can expect these to come in Mid November…definitely before Christmas. Staff just received order forms.
Bingo Night: In the early planning stages. Nichole has asked for volunteers to start thinking about who to ask for donations.
Small Funds:  Fred Meyer- maybe need to re enter card number yearly..Still looking into this.
Box tops: Submit by Nov 1st. Aubree has requested a spot for a goal sign to help bring in more box tops
-NED Show sold almost $1700 in yo-yos so another school will receive the ned show free of cost. School will receive a check for about $170 to use on the NED online store. We will start looking into a different motivational speaker for next year.  
-School Garden- Mama’s Garden has donated $800 to the garden club! That is amazing! Thank you Mama’s. Sarah Harder, Katy Campbell and Carly are working on creating a school wide art project for the garden.
Mountain School: Will need to send deposit very soon. Look into new window of dates May/June price is not that much different and works better with state testing.
Donuts with Dad: Possibly move to a later date in the school year. Turn out was great!! We had enough donuts (25 dozen)-we had enough for students who came for breakfast were able to have some. That was great! Start next year with cut donuts again.
Harvest Festival: Planning is coming along great! We will have high school volunteers and 7th graders. JT BBQ food truck will be there for food purchase. We will have a bake sale, and cake walk for purchase. Looking for cake donations and candy donations. Will set up Friday night and Saturday afternoon. This event is open to the community.
Missoula: Performance will be Aladdin. Down payment has already been paid for housing costs. Kim will let us know what support she needs.
Reading Night: Turn out was low. Teachers did an amazing job on creating reading activities. Time was hard for families to attend. Maybe look into offering after school childcare before event. Would be fun to bring in fire chief to read to kids or police officer with dog to read-another way to bring community into the school.
Curiculum Night:  Turn out was again a little low. PTA can support next year with flyers and dinner.
Teacher Conference Dinner: Table.
-Playground- Carly is getting an approved company quotes and pictures. All we need to do is have the money. District will match up to 20K. This needs to happen before June.
Guest Speaker:
-Melissa Menti (District Librarian) came to speak. She mentioned that hours have been cut. This does not look any different for Acme Students at this point. Chrome books that were purchased last year have been great! The district has agreed to purchase 4 more for Acme and Melissa has obtained 1 private donation. Acme now has 12 chrome books! Sasquatch feet for sasquatch/otter books has help participation. We will need to purchase feet again. 4-6 grade will be bussed to high school for an author talk (date?)
New Business:
-volunteer orientation went well. Still looking for a room parent for Click, Lindsay and Lott. Maybe Geri and Wright.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08
Next Meeting date: Nov.  

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

September 19, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Lauren Tankersley, Ashley Terling, Nichole Woodrich, Kristin Syre, Kim Cook, Erika Beaudin, Tristin Rieken, Carly Takata, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kristie Lindsay, Ruth Hidy, Diana Ash, Aubree Lozano

Meeting called to order @ 6:31

-Tristin welcomed everyone to the 2017/2018 school year. Read the vision
-Strategic Plan is on the website, our budget reflects these goals
-Minutes will be emailed out prior to meeting so that they can be reviewed before hand and voted on first thing (in interest of saving time)
- Minutes from June 1, 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Reviewed Standing Rules (have not changed from last year). Heidi motioned to adopt Standing rules. Kristie Lindsay 2nd. Unanimous Yes.
-Tristin presented approved budget from June meeting. Board made a few changes over the summer.
-add $200 to the agenda line
-add field day line item with $100 budget
-increase Fred Meyer line to $300
-increase teacher dinner to $225
-increase Bingo to $3750
-add line item for yearbooks $1000 in $1000 out
Nichole motioned to adopt changes for 2017/2018 budget. Carly 2nd. Unanimous vote Yes.
-Erika presented to treasure report
-need to move DeLange’s previous year field trip down to previous year line item.
Treasure report was accepted into record with change noted above.
Kristie will get teachers to become members. Goal is 100% teacher membership.
Kristin reminded everyone that when you are a member you have the ability to vote. Membership update will be provided at the next meeting.
-Thank you card from Wyatt Zender and family for donation to their benefit dinner
-JOGATHON: Papers went home today. Packets will go home Friday. Assembly Kick off Friday.
-AMAZON/FRED MEYER: Need to re-link Fred Meyer card every year. Will put reminder on Facebook. Link amazon account to Acme Elementary PTA. This can not be advertised in print.
-Look into MOD Pizza night and McTeacher night for future fundraisers this year…anyone want to take the lead on this?
-NED Show is tomorrow. This is not open to families due to space. Assembly costs $1500 but we are receiving for free because we are offering to sell yo yos to pay it forward.
-School Garden- Garden club is up and going, still needing more volunteers for this. There is a lot of interest in this year!! Local Church donated a work party and a new fence was installed over the summer. Working on adding raised beds. Volunteer base is also growing.
Mountain School: Will need to send deposit very soon. Look into new window of dates May/June price is not that much different and works better with state testing.
Reading Night: School event that PTA supports with dinner. Jason Syre will BBQ hotdogs. Nichole will buy food.
Curiculum Night:  School event that PTA supports with dinner. Ashley Sterling will take the lead. Diana Ash will help.
Teacher Conference Dinner: Table
Scholastic Book Fair: No book fair this year. Teachers will send home their own classroom orders. PTA will help anyway they need.
-DONUTS WITH DAD: This Friday from 8:30 to 9:00. Kristin is picking up 25 dozen donuts for this.  
-HARVEST FESTIVAL: Need to secure a lead. Kristin will mentor someone this year. Carly will run cake walk again. Diana would love to be on the planning team.  
-Playground- in talks with the district and staff. Only thing the district needs is money. We have some potential donors that just want to see a price before committing to donation amount.
-Diana Ash writes grants. We can utilize her skills.
-NO ONE is allowed inside the kitchen. No exceptions!
-Brainstorm a solution for overdrawn lunch accounts. Possibly an account set up for PTA where donations can be made for students who have accounts overdrawn and can not get lunch. Research this more.
-Volunteer Coordinator is new-orientation for new volunteers will be 10/16 from 2:30-3:15 and 10/17 from 6:00-6:45
-Mama’s Garden is holding a bake sale at their Harvest Festival. They will be donating half the proceeds to the Acme Garden Club. Harvest Festival is Oct. 7/8
Meeting adjourned at 8:08
Next Meeting date: Oct 17th

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

June 1st  2017


Acme Library

MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Erika Beaudin

Carmen Gwin, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Carly Takata

Meeting Called to Order @ 6:31

Guest Speaker: Lacey Som came to speak about the Mountaineer Parent Group at the Jr High. They hold around 4 meetings a year and currently looking for a VP position. This is a great way to stay involved in school happenings.


-Minutes were reviewed and accepted into record as written.

-Kristin presented Treasure report and were accepted into record with 1 change (Moving $43.94 down to the teacher appreciation line item)

-This upcoming year we will email out meeting minutes prior to the meeting so that we can have a quick vote on entering them into record to help cut down on time.

-Budget was approved and will be revoted on at September meeting.

-We will need to hold a June Financial Audit – Heidi and Erika will coordinate this.

- Teacher Thank You! –Sarah Harder gave us a sweet thank you for all the things PTA does for Acme with pictures from kiddos.

-Meetings will now be held on Tuesdays with childcare provided. We will also have a social ½ hour at 6 prior to the meeting in hopes that meeting will be for business.

-District Calendar will have minimal events on it in case things need to be rescheduled.

Recap of Events:

Mariners Night: We should advertise the train down to the game this year on the handout.

Muffins with Mom: Great Attendance!

6th grade Party: Meeting Monday  

Last Day of School Party: Is scheduled at Skagit Skate for Jun 23rd


Science Van: Teachers and kids loved it! The gym worked well this year and provided way more space. Schedule this at the same time for next year. The classroom activities during the evening were amazing!

Mountain School: The 6th graders loved it!! Ms. Church was a great addition!

Curriculum Night Dinner: Erika will lead this


Back to School: We will have a lunch “meeting” with teachers prior to school starting. Lynne will lead this. Erika is going to take on the Back to School packets.  

Next Meeting is September 19th in Library

Meeting Adjourned @8:01

May 4 2017


Acme Library

MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Erika Beaudin

Carmen Gwin, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Carly Takata, Emily DeGroot, Val Lloyd

Meeting Called to Order @ 6:30

Guest Speaker: Val Lloyd


-Minutes were reviewed and accepted with changes noted (School Garden has already had first meeting and stools were purchased for K-2

-Erika presented financials and were accepted into record with change of Kindergarten field trip funds being changed from being used to help purchase stools.

-2017/2018 Proposed budget was presented to members

            -Carly motioned to accept the proposed budget Erika Seconded and unanimous vote yes 

-Suggested that meeting days be moved to Wednesday alternating times every month 3:30 and 6:30 (With childcare provided) in order and hopes that more teachers can attend to help bridge the gap.

-Tristin will have calendar at next meeting for 2017/2018 school year.


-Nichole shared multiple thank you cards from classrooms for field trips and stools.
Request for Funds:

Carly presented on behalf of intermediated grades (And a request for funds was filled out by Kalei Church) asking if we could purchase 30 more stools for classrooms and support areas around the school.

            -Kim made a motion to purchase 30 stools, Heidi 2nd; A discussion was had and a majority vote yes was counted.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:Mariners Night: Sold
74 tickets. Tickets will be delivered to the school soon.

Muffins with Mom: Coming up. Tristin, Nichole and Kristin will purchase and help serve at the event. Carly has said it is ok if we are not completely out of the gym by 9:00 am

6th grade
Party: Planning is still underway. Kristin will continue to keep us informed and let us know if help is needed.
Last Day of School
Party: Is scheduled at Lynden Skate for Jun 23rd
Science Van: There will still be the art walk and refreshments with cookies will be provided.
School Garden: Nothing new to report this month. Still a big hit during recess.


Staff Appreciation: Teachers have received gifts and treats all week long.


Projectors have been installed and students and teachers are loving them!!

Next Meeting is June 1st in Library

Meeting Adjourned @8:01

April 13 2017
Acme Library
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Kristin Syre, Kim Cook, Erika Beaudin, Ashley Nolte, Tristin Rieken, Heidi Brown

Meeting called to order @ 6:34

- Minutes from March 16 2017 were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written

Tristin read a thank you letter received from the teachers thanking PTA for the conference night dinner.

Request for Funds:

Ashely Nolte filled out a request for funds form and submitted to PTA for the purchase of 5 wiggle stools for the Kindergarten classroom. She stated that she would use her $100 classroom dollars and is asking for the PTA to cover the remaining $113. Heidi Brown motioned to purchase the 5 stools using the existing $100 classroom dollars and covering remaining $113. Lynne 2nd motion. Discussion was had and unanimous vote yes on purchase. Lynne Wheeler will purchase and submit reimbursement.

Heidi Brown motioned to purchase wiggle stools for grades K-8 and resource room up to $1000.00 per a itemized expense report of stools to be purchased and which teachers are willing to use their classroom and field trip dollars. Kim Cook 2nd motion and a discussion was had. Unanimous vote yes. Lynne Wheeler will purchase.

-Tristin gave an overview of the items we have purchased over the last few months
-Wiggle Stools for Mrs. DeGroot’s rooms (4) have been purchased and received. The students are loving them and have shown to be beneficial for classroom learning
-Chromebooks have been delivered and are being used in all classrooms. Teachers are finding them helpful and students are loving them.
-Technology: All supplies have been purchased and delivered to the district. They are working on putting together a schedule to get them installed into classrooms.  
-Board will meet to discuss and put together a proposed budget for next school year to be voted on at next meeting (5/4/17)
-Tristin will meet with Carly to discuss calendar for next school year

Kristin discussed the school year book. O’Connor Photography will be creating this book. Kristin will send home permission forms once again and an order form. We will sell these books at cost of printing.
-Purchase a few extra for classrooms, office and library.
School Garden- Garden Committee will have their first meeting soon.
Garden club is going well. Kim and Renee would like to move the groups to 2 weeks instead of monthly to get more kids through.
-Garden art is a huge hit with students.   

Spring Science Day/Expo: May  18
Tristin will purchase the trifold posters and refreshments
Need to look into medals and purchase if we do not have left overs
Erika will contact Katrina about the Art Walk

Staff Appreciation: Nichole is taking the lead on this. Will reach out for help if needed.

Kindergarten Registration: Nichole and Lynne will be present during registration to help welcome and recruit new members.

Mariner Night: Have sold about 30 tickets so far- need to get the word out and more tickets purchased.

Muffins with Mom: 8:30-9:00 -Carly stated it is ok if we are in the gym during breakfast for students
Kristin will see if her work will purchase the muffins.

6th Grade Party: Kristin Syre and Laura Smith are working on this
Harmony has invited our 6th graders to join them at the YMCA – more information will be given out at a later date.  

New Business
Lynne has asked if we can donate a spirit wear basket for an auction being held to help support a Kendall family.
Kristin will put together a PTA basket for Auction (May 13th)
PTA will also share this event on their PTA Facebook Page

Meeting adjourned at 8:02

Next Meeting 5/4/17 @6:30 in the library

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

March  16 2017


Acme Library

MEMBERS PRESENT: Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Carly Takata,  Carmen Gwin, Kristin Syre, Kim Cook, Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hidy

Meeting called to order @ 6:36


- Minutes from February 16 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written with a change of serving hot dogs at math night and not pizza.

-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written with the change of moving the funds of $234.00 from the Bingo Night line to the Concession line.

Board Elections:

Kim presented the report from the nominating committee. Nichole read article 5 section 6 of the WSPTA uniform bylaws

New board for the 2017/2018 school year is as follows:

President: Tristin Rienke

Vice President: Kristin Syre

Treasurer: Erika Beaudin

Secretary: Nichole Woodrich

Request for Funds:

 -Technology Update

There will be 16 wall mounted short throw projectors installed within classrooms and the classrooms in the main building will be replaced with magnetic whiteboards. The district is still planning on having these all installed during Spring Break. The district has also present the PTA with an amount of $11575.00 to help pay for the cost of these technology updates.

                -Carly Takata motioned to spend up to $12000.00 towards the technology update. This motion was seconded and voted unanimously in favor. *We will wait to cut a check until we are approached by the district.

-Emily DeGroot (1st grade) created a donor choose page in order to raise funds for wiggle stools for her classroom. Lynne Wheeler reached out to a community business and they agreed to pay for half of the purchase.

                -Lynne has motioned that the PTA cover the other half of the stools in the amount of $85.00. Motioned was seconded and vote unanimously in favor.


-Board met over the weekend and discussed budget and calendar for the remaining year and started looking at next year.  



Bingo Night: Bingo Night and Silent Auction was a great success. We raised about $4500. Thank you letters and tax receipts have been sent out. Left over hotdogs and chips will be used for Math Night Dinner.


School Garden- Garden Club with Kim and Renee has begun and is moving along. The new garden shed is complete and placed in the garden. Thank you to the Rieken household for building this!  

Mountain School: Mountain School was cancelled due to mud slide. Carly and the teachers worked to find a different date for the students to attend. The new dates of Mountain School will be May 30th and 31st. Because they are losing a full day there, the bus will leave extra early and return late.

Carly is also looking into another day activity for the students to help make up for the lost day.


Kindergarten Registration: Nichole and Lynne will be present during registration to help welcome and recruit new members.

Muffins with Mom: Board will purchase muffins and get set up in the morning. We still need a few dads to volunteer to serve. Jason Syre will be there, and Carly stated Brett Johnson will help if needed.

Math Night- Math night dinner will be a “picnic style” with hot dogs and chips for dinner. The teachers will cook hotdogs in the crock pot and serve. Nichole will purchase more hot dogs and chips.

Science Day/Expo: 5th and 6th graders are required to do a project. PTA will purchase and provide poster boards for the students. The after school science club was not successful last year and we will not be able to do this year.

                What is needed from PTA??

                                -Poster boards



Art walk will also be during this time: Nichole and Kristin will hang up art around the school.

Staff Appreciation:

May 1st – 5th Nichole will lead and let everyone know at the April meeting if anything is needed.  

Meeting adjourned at 7:58

Next Meeting 4/13 @6:30 in the library

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

February 16 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Heidi Brown,  Carly Takata,  Carmen Gwin, Kristin Syre, Kim Cook, Renee Kalsbeek, Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hidy, Melissa Menti

Meeting called to order @ 6:32

-Tristin reminded everyone of our mission as a PTA
- Minutes from January 19 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written with a change that financial review committee will not be meeting with the board…should have said that the board will meet to discuss findings.
-Tristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written
-Tristin shared thank you letters from teachers for flowers that were sent and books that were purchased
-Students created thank you books for the headphones we purchased.

-Will create and send out a survey on survey monkey to teachers and families asking what programs and events are the most important to them and where they feel PTA should help out with funds.

Nominating committee has reached out to members and will present their nominations to the board and the board will send out an email 2 weeks prior to the next meeting so members can prepare for vote.
Bingo- Nichole present auction items so far and stressed need for volunteers at the event.  Nichole passed out flyers to hang around the community. Set-up Friday after school and Saturday.
Box Tops- Box tops are due by March 1st. Carmen is getting these ready. Kim Cook will take over box tops next year.
Fred Meyer Rewards- Received a check for $135.91. Tristin reminded present members to link their cards and to spread the word to others to link cards to ACME PTA.
Scholastic Dollars –last book fair brought in around $1700 and with remaining money there is around $2000 total.

Melissa Menti spoke about her goal and process of asking for grant money to purchase 7 new chrome books. She stated that she had partnered with Donor Choose and the Google would match every donation received. The 7 new chrome books would make it so that every classroom had at least 2 student computers available inside the classroom. Melissa also stated that she need around $850 dollars to reach the goal (which would be matched by Google).
    Ruth Hidy motioned for PTA to pay the $850.00. Lynne 2nd with a unanimous vote.

School Garden-Garden club will be starting up in March with Kim and Renee leading it. The shed will being coming soon. 4th graders will be working on exposure and soil temp and 2nd graders will be learning about ants. Both classes will be planting soon. Erika is still looking for volunteers to help out. Erika is also forming a garden committee (Kim, Carly, Sarah, Paul and Tristin)

6th GRADE PARTY: Kristin Syre has said she will chair this event with the help of Heidi, Laura and Dusty.

Conference dinner-lead Tristin. Sent around a sign up form to help. Dinner will be Taco Bar and there is a signup online. Dinner is 3/9
Math Night- Tristin will lead this. Pizza will be delivered to the school for teachers to serve.

Unfinished Business:
Carly revisited technology topic. She stated that the district has stated that they are going to replace all the whiteboards in the main building with magnetic whiteboards and provide all classrooms with Short Throw Projectors with the help of funding from PTA. This is schedule to happen during Spring Break. District is going to ask PTA to help with the funds- approx. amount is around $13,000. We will vote on this at the next meeting.

New Business:
-Mariner Night – Renee and Lacey are working on this. TBD and there will only be one price option this year.
-Volunteer Orientation was brought up. Erika will find out from other schools what they do and present her findings and board will look into scheduling on the calendar for next year.
-Kim has scheduled Missoula for next year. It will be the 2nd week of Decemeber and housing is secured for next year as well

Meeting adjourned at 7:48

Next Meeting 3/16 @6:30 in the library

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________
January 19 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Heidi Brown, Josie Nickum, Carly Takata, Betty Chester, Alicia Griffiths, Carmen Gwin, Kristin Syre,  Aubree Lozano, Kim Cook, Renee Kalsbeek, Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hidy

Meeting called to order @ 6:32

-Tristin stated PTA vision
- Minutes from December 8, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written
-Nominating Committee: Heidi Brown and Kim Cook will have a report to board by 2/23 and will happen in March.

-Renewed insurance in December
-Fincial review committee has completed their review and will meet with board to discuss findings and board will report those findings in a general meeting.
-Board will begin looking at budget to see where we stand so far this year and what large checks will still need to be written. They will also begin to look at the calendar for next year. Tristin stated that if we do not have chairs for certain events for next year, they will not be put on the district calendar.

Carly Takata spoke and presented a media presentation about attendance. She stated that this is a district wide focus. Acme is looking at different ways to give incentives to students monthly if they meet 95% attendance.

Carly also spoke briefly about the technology update for Acme.  The head of tech has been out to the school multiple times. The goal is to have the same type of technology in every classroom. The district is putting together a proposal and will bring to PTA to help pay for the cost of some of these updates. The overall goal is to have these new technology aspects in place next school year (Fall 2017).

-Bingo Night is Feb 25 2017. Planning meeting was held right before PTA meeting. Still looking for donations and Nichole has asked others to reach out to business owners they may know. Teachers will put together baskets again this year. Nichole has tried to reach out to parents to help create classroom projects.  


-MOVIE NIGHT: This Friday. Heidi bought a new projector and it hooks up with the sound system! Kim has stated that maybe movie night should be moved to a Saturday Night and not a Friday Night.
-READING NIGHT: This will not be rescheduled due to scheduling issues, but we will have a math night coming up.  
MUFFINS WITH MOM: Kristin Syre has volunteered her husband to help with this event. ☺
6th GRADE PARTY: Kristin Syre has said she will chair this event.
END OF THE YEAR PARTY: Kristin Syre will take this event on again.

Unfinished Business:

New Business:
-Carly showed us new folders/communication books for the Kindergarteners. We will look into purchasing these for those students when we purchase all folders for next year

Meeting adjourned @ 7:53

Next Meeting 2/9 @6:30 in the library

December 8, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Lynne Wheeler, Heidi Brown, Julie Gill, Val Lloyd, Kristin Syre, Erika Beaudin

Meeting called to order @ 6:32

-Tristin stated PTA vision
- Minutes from November 17, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written with changes needing to be made.
    -$162.40 for reading feet needs to move from library line to request for funds line
-$131.98 for the hot dog cooker needs to be moved from the special projects line to the equipment line.

-Financial Review Committee needs to be created to audit books in January and end of the school year
    -Heidi Brown, Carmin Gwin, Erika Beaudin agreed *Heidi will coordinate
-Nominating Committee is needed. Nominations need to happen in Janurary and voting takes place in April
    -Heidi Brown and Kim Cook (possibly)

-Bingo Night is Feb 25 2017 and planning is underway. Nichole asked for others to reach out for donations and will touch base with Carly and teachers about creating teacher baskets and classroom projects.
-Book Fair (wrap-up) we had $800.00 previous scholastic dollars and is estimated that this book fair brought in $1600 scholastic dollars. Most teachers received all the books on their wish lists. $400 scholastic dollars were spent to purchase the remaining teachers wish lists books and a few for the office. There is $259 scholastic dollars remaining. Carmin has requested that the remaining $259 be given to the library. Lynne 2nd and received an unanimous vote. We still need someone to chair the book fair if we are to continue hosting them.  Lynne had an idea to pair the book fair with reading night next school year.
-Launching Success: The check from last year was mailed and cashed to PTA for around $14.00. This year’s turn out was not great. Probably will not do this next year.
-Spirit Wear: Orders should be received and sent home before Winter Break.

-Missoula: Play is going well. Kim has all the volunteers that she needs. If the winter does not hold up, Carly will make the call on Saturday morning whether or not to cancel.
-School Garden: Tristin’s husband, Jeremey has agreed to make the tool shed.
    -CHEFF program has been brought in for the 4th grade classes.

-MOVIE NIGHT: The movie will be The Secret Life of Pets.  Julie asked is we could make sure the heat is turned on this year. There will also be concessions.
    -the issue of the projector was brought up. Heidi motioned to up the equipment line budget from $500 to $1000 Kristin 2nd and there was a unanimous yes vote. Heidi will look into purchasing a new projector before movie night.
-READING NIGHT: PTA will provide the funds for pizza and school staff will serve.  
-YEARBOOK: Kristin is still working on putting together the information sheet to be sent home to families with what information is allowed to be shared.

Unfinished Business:
-TECHNOLOGY: Things are moving along-we have told Carly that PTA is here to help support with funds when needed.
-MATH CLUB: Is not going to happen this year. We will visit this again next year.

New Business:
-Kristin brought up the topic of bringing a choir festival or winter program and doing a school play in April or May instead of bringing in Missoula (so that all students who want to participate can)

Meeting adjourned @ 7:42

Next Meeting 1/19 @6:30 in the library

November  17, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Nichole Woodrich, Renee Kalsbeek, Lynne Wheeler, Ruth Hidy, Kristin Syre, Aubree Lozano, Heidi Brown, Carrie Cranbourne, Carmen Gwin

Meeting called to order @ 6:31

-Tristin stated PTA vision
- Minutes from October 22, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written.
    -Heidi Brown reviewed and signed off on Bank Statement

-Request for funds:  Lisa Strachilla has found the headphones she would like to purchase. A board member will purchase headphones.
-Have submitted Standards of Affiliation
-Have renewed Insurance
-Have completed I90

-Tracy Johns was our guest and presented light up 12’s. We buy the lights for $20.00 each and sell them for $30.00. Tracy also provides prizes for top earning class. All materials are local and the product is made in Whatcom/Skagit County. We will discuss again at next meeting whether we want to pursue this fundraiser.
-Book Fair is up and running. Need volunteers to help take down Friday 11/18. Discussion about whether this will be viable in the future. We will revisit this again during calendar construction. Thank you to Carmen for her hard work on this over the years! We appreciate you so much!
-Launching Success: This fundraising begins on Nov 20 and goes for the week. Every purchase made at the store (with mentioning Acme PTA name) 10% goes back to the school. Tristin will check to see if the money goes to the school or the PTA and try to change to the PTA.
-Spirit Wear: Heidi will email Tristin the order forms. We will use the exact same as last year in order to have a quick turnaround. We will get this out to the school soon.

-Missoula: Planning is coming along great!! Volunteers will be need for the performances and Kim Cook will be in contact. Renee Kalsbeek received a check to pay for lodging for the directors.
-Mountain School: Contract has been signed and a deposit  check been sent.

-Harvest Festival: Great turnout and everything went good. Having the 6th graders help was tough and will need to be revisited for next year. Classrooms were ok to go but very tricky -Did not end up using. The cake walk brought in around $300 and the concessions/bake sale brought in $600.
-Movie Night: Kim Cook will take the lead (per Renee) Lynee Wheeler and Renee Kalsbeek will co-lead and help out.
-Reading Night: Heidi Brown proposed to fund pizza for reading night up to $350. Ruth Hidy 2nd.  Nichole will communicate with Carly.
-Kristin is going to start the school directory/yearbook. She will create and PTA form to send home to parents to have sign and return if they want to have their child’s picture and personal information included.  Kristin will keep us updated on the progress.

Unfinished Business:
-Heidi will order the feet for Sasquatch, Otter and Young Reader program and give to Melissa Menti.
-Discussion of playground.  Heidi informed everyone where this left off at last year and that we need to have someone who is willing to commit to conversations and meetings with the district. Kristin suggested we end this conversation for now and can revisit again in January.

New Business:
-Heidi will extend an invitation to Mike Nueterman (District Tech guy) to come talk to use about possible technology update
-Lynne suggested a Coffee and Donuts for Kinder families to help get families connected and into PTA.
-Aubree mentioned a coat drive where all students receive a coat. She will look into this further to see if we can bring this program to Acme.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:51

Next Meeting 12/8 @6:30 in the library

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

October 22, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Carly Takata, Kristin Syre, Carrie Cranbourne, Melissa Menti, Ruth Hidy, Erin Dean, Elton Nuytens, Erika Beaudin, Lynne Wheeler, Carmen Gwin, Nichole Woodrich, Kim Cook

Meeting called to order @ 6:31

-Tristin stated PTA vision
- Minutes from June 9, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Minutes from the September 22, 2016 were reviewed and accepted into record as written
-Kristin presented to treasure report and was accepted into record as written.
    - Kristin stated that we will move to direct withdrawal for membership fees
    -Membership is tax deductible
-Request for funds:  Lisa Strachilla requested 33 headphones for the computer lab. Kristin presented a motion to accept request for up to $275 knowing that we will go over budget on the “request for funds line” Ruth Hidy 2nd

-JOGATHON: Run day went great despite the rain. Pledge money is still coming in. Follow-up assembly is scheduled for Nov 3. Brandon White is missing a CD and if we can’t find it we will need to replace it (this is a curriculum cd)  
-BOOK FAIR: Delivered on Nov 9,  and set-up will be on Nov 10th after school. Will be held in the library during conferences (Nov 14-19) and will be the only book fair of the year. Also, need to find someone to take over for Carmen as the chair.

-SCIENCE ON WHEELS: Is set for May 18th. This will be an all day science/engineering day with Spring Expo in the evening. Tristin is working on a grant to help pay for it. If we do not receive the grant we will go over budget. Ruth motioned to approve to go over budget and Erika 2nd.

-DONUTS WITH DAD: Had a great turn out. Will be a yearly event.
-HARVEST FESTIVAL: Talked about moving games into the classrooms and Carly will check in with teachers. We will have a bake sale, and hot dog dinner in the gym. 6th graders will run the games and talked about reaching out to the FFA at the high school to help.
    -Kristin also asked to buy a hot dog cooker and Nichole 2nd
-MISSOULA THEATRE: Play is Princess and the Pea. Dates are Dec 5-9 with 2 plays on Dec 10th. Talked about finding ways to problem solve for the kids who do not make it. Kim will need volunteers to help on Saturday of the play.
-TEACHER CONFRENCE DINNER: Nov 17th. Tristin is going to lead and Carrie Cranbourne will take care of all the food.
Unfinished Business:
-Math Club: Elton said he could do Thursday’s after school. Carly will check in to see if Thursday’s are possible. Also talked about maybe morning math club before school.
-School Directory: Kristin said she will take this on. It was also mentioned to send home an separate PTA form asking for permission to be placed in the directory.

New Business:
New Reader board sign out front of the school
Meeting adjourned at 7:45
Next Meeting date: Nov 17th

Entered into Record by:_________________________________ Date: ___________________

September 22, 2016


MEMBERS PRESENT: Tristin Rieken, Kristin Syre, Nichole Woodrich, Bre Zender, Kim Cook, Elton Naythens, Erin Dean, Carmen Gwin, Heidi Brown, Carly Takata, Melissa Menti, Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hindy, Renee Kalsbeek

Meeting Called to Order @ 6:29 PM

-    Tristin went over PTA Vision

-    Minutes from June meeting will be reviewed at next meeting (10/20), there will be 2 sets of minutes

-    Membership: 25 members

-    Kristin presented the treasurer report. Kim made a motion to accept as submitted and Heidi 2nd the motion

-    Reviewed updated budget
o    Made changes on
Donation line – up budgeted income to $1400 from $1050
Fred Meyer Line - up budgeted income from $200 to $350
Amazon Smile Line- up budgeted income from $100 to $150
Took out EOM line
Took out Testing Snacks
Need to update teacher’s classroom $ – add 3rd grade class, add 5th grade class, move 1 kinder to 6th grade class (Total of $1600)
Need to update field trip dollars (total of $1300)
    Heidi proposed to adopt the reviewed and updated budget as discussed at the table and Erika 2nd

-    Reviewed standing rules
o    Discussed changes of #13, #18, added a new rule as #19, and added new rule as #24
Carmen proposed to adopt new standing rules as discussed at the table and Kim 2nd

-    Office has requested that more planners be purchased for new students. $55.90 for 10 more. Everyone voted yes.
o    Look at this line item for next year’s budget -total students is 242 for this year as of now

-    Jog-a-Thon – Underway, packets will go home soon. Need volunteers for run day

-    School Garden (Erika) -still need volunteers.
o    All 2nd and 4th graders are getting lessons
o    Received a $800 grant from WECU and working on a second grant
    Funds will go towards a tool shed, soil, classroom supplies, books etc

-    Donuts with Dad is tomorrow. Fruit was donated, Donuts were bought and volunteers have been found.
-    Harvest Festival – Kristin will lead with intention of passing off event in future
o    Idea was proposed that 6th graders run the games with 7th graders
-    Ice Cream Social – Went well. Very good attendance. Went through 15 gallons of Ice cream and stayed under budget

-    Curriculum Night Dinner – Kristin Lead
-    Melissa Menti (District Librarian) spoke on Sasquatch reading awards. Want to reward all kids who participate in Sasquatch, Otter and YRCA with chains that they can add plastic feet to for every book they complete AR on. Heidi proposed that PTA purchasing these up to $200 and Kristin 2nd.


-    Red Robin and Target will donate % back to school if cards are linked to ACME
-    Bring back School directory
-    Continue Math Club on Monday’s afterschool – will need a coordinator, Erika volunteered with the help of others. Brought up to ask Matt Brower if Honors Math students would like to help out. Teacher involvement very beneficial.
-    Kim would like to learn Box Tops from Carmen
-    Need to find Book Fair leader

Acme PTA General Meeting
June 9, 2016
Called to order at: 18:38
Members Present: Tristin Rieken, Kim Cook, Nicole Woodrich, Carmen Gwin, Julie Gill, Heidi Brown and Erika Beaudin, Ruth Hidy, Kristin Syre and Carley Takata

Minutes were reviewed.  Kristin made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  Julie 2ed the motion.  Motion passed.

Membership: 46 members

Treasures Report was reviewed.  Kim made a motion to accept the treasures report as submitted by Kristin.  The motion passed.  Erika will shadow Kristin next year with an interest in the position as treasure.

-Garage Sale was not a successful event.
-Jog a thon Summer Planning will begin on email.
-School Garden Erika spoke about the opportunity to volunteer with it.  A discussion was held about Common Threads. 
-May enrichment assembly put on by the PNW Science Center was a huge success with everyone.
-Spring Expo went well and was very engaging for all.
- Field Day is coming up on June 13.  
-J.A.  was a positive experience for the students.  Thank You volunteers!
-Ice Cream social will be chaired by Tristin and others will help make it a success. 
-Audit committee is  Bre Zender and Carmen Gwin.  Kristin will contact in July when the books are ready.
Request for funds
Julie Gill proposed looking into replacing or updating the sound system in the gym.  Carley will look into it to find out the cost and what should be done.
Unfinished Business
New Business

Meeting adjourned at 19:37
Next meeting date Sept. ?, 2016

Acme PTA General Meeting
May 12, 2016
Called to order at: 18:32
Members Present: Tristin Rieken, Kim Cook, Nicole Woodrich, Bre Zender, Carmen Gwin, Julie Gill, Heidi Brown and Erika Beaudin

Minutes were reviewed.  Nicole made a motion to accept the minutes as written.  Motion passed.

Membership: 46 members

Treasures Report was reviewed.  Kim made a motion to accept the treasures report as submitted by Kristin and Julie 2ed the motion.

-Spring BOGO book fair will be May 12-17.  
-Garage Sale on June 4&5.  Kristin looking for volunteer help and baked goodies.
-School Garden Erika reported that she is looking to expand the garden and has a meeting planned with Carley.  She will be looking for a co-lead and material donations.
-May enrichment assembly the PNW science center is bringing an Astronomy Space Odyssey unit to the school to include an assembly, 45 minute instruction in each classroom and 45 minutes of hands on activities.  Tristin was looking to fill volunteer spots to help run the units.
-Spring Expo will be held on May 14.  Science Projects are starting in every classroom!  Heidi is looking to someone to hang art at the Deming library for an Art show case on May 23.
- Field Day is coming up on June 13.  Brandon White just wanted mention that it is coming.  Look forward to more communications coming home for the event.
-2016/2017 Budget was reviewed by Tristin and Julie made a motion to adopt the 2016/2017 proposed budget with changes to folders and agendas going up to $600 and Bingo and Auction going up to $3525.  Kim 2ed the motion and it passed.
-2016/2017 calendar was reviewed by Tristin and it was suggested to change language on 2 events Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad.
-Audit committee will be Bre Zender and Carmen Gwin.
-Playground update was given by Heidi and she said the district is getting back to the design phase.  She asked for playground committee interest.
Request for funds
Heidi requested that we spend $50 on a bouquet for Betty Tristin 2ed and it passed.
Unfinished Business
-Changing tables are in Janet’s hands and the District will install them.
New Business
-Bre would like to do a teacher appreciation basket at the beginning of the year.  She will lead this effort.
-Board will host a end of the year celebration dinner at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 19:55
Next meeting date June 9 Acme School Gym

Acme PTA General Meeting
April 21, 2016
Called to order at: 18:31
Members Present: Tristin Rieken, Kim Cook, Carley Takata, Nicole Woodrich, Bre Zender, Carmen Gwin Lacey DeLange, Ruth Hidy and Renee Kalsbeek
Guest Present: Melissa Menti District Librarian 

Guest Speaker Melissa Menti spoke about the needs of the Acme Library and inquired how to get more kids involved in the Sasquatch reading challenge.  Acme is lacking in STEM books and non-fiction type books as well as books for independent readers.  She has received a grant to help fill these gaps and will also be using her PTA budget to purchase more books.

Minutes were reviewed.  Tristin made a motion to accept them with a correction to the spelling of her name  and Bre 2ed the motion.

Membership: 46 members

Treasures Report was reviewed.  Kim made a motion to accept the treasures report as submitted by Kristin and Carmen 2ed the motion.

-Spring BOGO book fair we are still looking for someone to help lead with Carmen. Set up will be May 11.  The sale will be May 12-17.  
-Garage Sale on June 4&5.  Carmen volunteered to help Kristin,
- Jog-a thon Nicole will chair 
-School Garden no update
-May enrichment assembly will be a full day of fun activities for the kids!  The PNW science center is bringing an Astronomy Space Odyssey unit to the school to include an assembly, 45 minute instruction in each classroom and 45 minutes of hands on activities.  
-Spring Expo will be held on May 14.  Science Projects are starting in every classroom!  Heidi is working on putting the art show together and collecting art from the teachers.  
- MCT is booked for next year Princess and the Pea.  It will run December 5-10.  The housing is booked also.
-JA is coming to the school May 19.  If you’re a volunteer you need to attend training before then.
-Mariners Night sold 69 tickets this year.
-6th grade party Kim and Heidi will team lead this year. 
School/Staff Support
- Staff appreciation will be May 2-6th
-PTA will purchase folders for all students and planners for students 3rd -6th grade.
Request for funds
Summer reading visits to neighborhoods from school staff members.  They are requesting $100 for popsicles.  Carley made a motion to fund the event for $100 and Tristin 2ed the motion.  

Board Elections 
-Heidi and Kim gave there nominations of 2016-2017 Board Positions:
Tristin Rieken President
Kristin Syre Vice President/ Treasure
Nicole Woodrich Secretary
These positions were voted on unanimously by the membership for approval and will take office in July! 

Unfinished Business
- changing tables have been ordered and are at the school waiting to be installed.

New Business
- Lacey spoke briefly about a tea/breakfast for volunteers of the school.
-Labels for Education will be no longer a program if you have any turn them in!  The last   collection date is  June16.
-Calendar Meeting needs to happen soon.

Meeting adjourned at 19:51
Next meeting date May 12 Acme School Library

Entered into record by:_____________________________________Date:_________________________

Acme PTA General Meeting

March 17, 2016

Called to order at: 18:30

Members Present: Tristin Reiken, Kim Cook, Carley Takata, Nicole Woodrich, Kristin Syre, Erica Fifer, Paul Spring, Carmen Gwin and Renee Kalsbeek

Minutes were reviewed.  Kristin made a motion to accept them as written and Carmen 2ed the motion.

Membership: 46 members

Treasures Report was reviewed.  Kim made a motion to accept the treasures report as submitted by Kristin and Carmen 2ed the motion.

Budget: Committee will meet in the next month to come up with a budget for next year.  Tristin has put together an online survey to help guide the committee with the decisions.   The more people that take the survey the more helpful it will be.


-Nicole reviewed the bingo and auction night and felt it was a huge success.  Two changes to make for next year are; 1- no on site alcohol (certificates in place of) 2- look into a bingo app instead of the balls.

-Spring BOGO book fair we are still looking for someone to help lead with Carmen.

-Garage Sale on June 4&5 Kristin proposed selling tables for $10 in the gym to interested people.

Kristin will chair the event but is looking for help.  She is considering a bake sale.


-School Garden Paul stated that Erika is starting it back up after a short break.

-Math Club is wrapping up at the end of March.  Thanks to all those who have helped with this fun enrichment activity for the past 6 months!

-May enrichment assembly will be a full day of fun activities for the kids!  The PNW science center is bringing an Astronomy Space Odyssey unit to the school to include an assembly, 45 minute instruction in each classroom and 45 minutes of hands on activities.  Thanks Tristin for organizing this! 

-Spring Expo will be held on May 14.  Erica Fifer will be sending a letter home for parents highlighting the event.  She will be starting up the Science club on Tuesdays to help the students with preparing for the event.  Erica would like volunteer help on Tuesdays from 15:25-16:30.  

- The primary grades just went to the MBT to see Curious George and the Golden Meatball.  PTA will fund $70 of scholarships for the trip. Kristin was wondering if there was a better way to run the funds for the field trip.  

-Discussion continued about field trips and having a grade level designated trip so that every year it is just set and everyone knows what to expect.


-Mariners Night Renee stated the game will be on May 1 at 1:00pm and that we have 100 tickets reserved (75 lower and 25 upper).

-School/Staff appreciation will be on May 2-6th.  Tristin proposed having 1 person per day do something special for the event.

-6th grade party Kim and Heidi will team lead this year. 

Request for funds- none

Unfinished Business
- Tristin made a motion to spend $500 for purchasing baby changing stations.  Carmen 2ed the motion and it was voted unanimously in favor.

New Business
- Carley reported that the Ukulele club has been shut down for several reasons.

Meeting adjourned at 19:43 
Next meeting date April 21 Acme School Library

Entered into record by:_____________________________________Date:_________________________

Acme PTA General Meeting
February 18, 2016
Called to order at 18:30
Members Present: Heidi Brown, Carmen Gwin, Julie Gill, Kristin Syre, Nichole Woodrich, Jana Miesuk, Sarah Harder, Erica Westerlund, Ruth Hidy and Kim Cook
Guest Present: Linda Giles

Guest Speaker from Junior Achievement Linda Giles presented the program to us.  We are excited to begin the process of training so we can offer it to the students here at Acme.

Minutes were reviewed and a time correction was made.  Jana made a motion to accept them and Julie Gill second the motion.

Membership update- (46 members) Kristin made a membership list with contact information for team leaders.

Treasures report- Reviewed by Kristin she reminded Heidi and Kim to Close the US Bank savings account.

Nominating committee- Heidi and Kim for March elections

Budget Review committee Heidi, Kim and Kristin

                Schoola- Erica spoke about the schoola drive which collected 35 bags and so far $40 has come in from it.  Another drive is set for April 21-28.  Erica will need someone (Jana?) to take it over at the end of the school year.
Bingo and Silent Auction is set for 2/27.  Volunteers will be needed.  4:30 set up time.
                School Garden- tabled
                Math Club- teams set to attend 2/27 championship
                Enrichment Assembly- tabled (Science Center van?)
                Spring Expo- Erica F. is our team lead and is working with Carley on making this event even bigger by getting every class involved.  Logistics are still being worked out.  Heidi is team lead on the art side. Carmen is team lead on the BOGO book sale.
                Mariners Night- tabled (game night May 1)
                School/Staff spring conference dinner- Katy is team lead and will be sending out an email for help.
                Staff Appreciation- still needs a team lead
                EOM- no activities in February


                Kristin reported that the garage sale was not happening
                Kim proposed buying baby changing stations for the school bathrooms.  Jana and Kristin wanted to do more investigation into other products and will report to us at the next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 19:54
Next meeting is March 17 @ 18:30 in the school library

Entered into record by:___________________________________________Date:_______________

Acme PTA General Meeting
January 21, 2016
Called to order at: 18:31
Members Present: Kristin Syre, Jana Miesuk, Tristin Rieken, Heidi Brown, Carmen Gwin, Nicole Woodrich, Erin DeRocco, Kali Church, Ashley Nolte, Carly Takata, Sarah Harder, Katy Campbell, Kim Cook and Ruth Hidy
Guest Present: Charles Burleigh and Virginia Malmquist

Virginia spoke about a program being offered for parents and youth titled Strengthening Families.  It begins March 10 and runs for 7 sessions from 6-8:30. It is sponsored by the WSU extension.  Call 383-2032 with questions.

Charles Burleigh spoke about the facts of the school levy that is currently up for vote.  The school board is not asking for a new levy but just to maintain the current Education Programs and Operations levy.

Minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Tristin to adopt them into record.

Membership: 34 members currently.  Kristin wants to put member’s names and numbers into event folders.

Treasures Report: was reviewed and Kim made a motion second by Jana to adopt them into record.

·         Carmen spoke about the November book fair and that we have $900 scholastic dollars and 25 will be expiring soon.
·         Bingo Auction team leader Nicole Woodrich asked for asked for donation and volunteer help.  She gave a quick overview of the event in February.
·         Schoola clothing drive is going well and will be sent off soon.
·         Spirit wear is all wrapped up and Heidi is looking for someone to take it over for next year.
Enrichment Programs
·         School garden tabled until next meeting
·         Math team leaders are asking for the math challenge teams entry fees to be paid.
·         Tristin is team leader on enrichment and came to the meeting with the NED show idea after much discussion it was decided to try and have the NED show come in the fall of next year.  Carley will be working with Tristin on another option possibly changing the date of the assembly.
·         Spring Expo might have a team leader Erica F.  Discussion was held about changing the math club time in April to helping the kids prepare for the expo.  Sarah Harder was interested in helping with this.

·         Movie night went great! 

School/staff support
·         Katy will team lead spring conference dinner on March 10.
·         Staff appreciation week needs a team leader 5/2-5/6.

Request for funds
·         Ball cart is fixed!  Thanks Aaron Miesuk.
·         Heidi brought forth the idea of the PTA purchasing our own AV cart and projector.  We then could store our DVD player and stereo on it.
·         The school staff made a request of around $200 for pizza, plates and cups to be bought for a reading night held on February 10.  Tristin made a motion to approve the purchase and Katy 2ed it.
·         Kristin is still looking into the community garage sale.

New Business
·         The staff will be hosting a reading night on February 10 from 6:30-7:30.  Everyone is invited to attend and event filled evening.

Meeting Adjourned at 17:50
Next Meeting February 18

Entered into record by:_____________________________________________Date:_______________

Acme PTA General Meeting
December 17, 2015
Called to order at: 18:27
Members Present: Kim Cook, Heidi Brown, Carley Takata, Julie Gill, Nichole Woodrich, Melinda George, Barb Malec, Erika Beaudin and Laura Smith

Minutes were reviewed and a motion to adopt them into record was made by Julie and 2ed by Heidi.

Membership: Kristin absent
Treasures report: Kristin absent

Playground Brainstorm lead by Carley went into great detail of a well rounded playground/park benefiting both the students and the community.
                Bingo/Auction night will have Tristin and Nicole as team leaders.  It will be held on February 27.
Enrichment Programs
                Missoula recap was lead by Laura Smith.  Booking the next years date was tabled until the January meeting.
                School Garden update by Erika.  She is meeting with Spring’s and Harder’s classes 2X’s a month.  They will be working on worm bins in the future months.  She will be requesting funds as each lesson is costing around $7.
                Math Club update by Heidi.  We are forming teams to go to the math championship in Blaine.  This event will cost $40 per team.  We might be sending up to 3 teams and will be requesting funds to pay the fee’s associated with the enrollments
                Enrichment assembly in May. We should look into the possibility of the Reptile man.
                November book fair recap – Carmen absent
                Movie night- January 16 Hotel Transylvania 2 show time 6:30
School/Staff Support
                Ball cart- Matt Cook and Aaron Miesuk will fix it.
Request for funds
New Business
                Carley introduced the idea of hosting a family picture night during an event like a reading or math night.

Meeting Adjourned at 19:35
Next Meeting January 21

Entered into record by:_______________________________________Date:_____________________ 

Acme PTA Meeting

November 12, 2015

Meeting called to order at 6:30

Members Present:  Heidi Brown, Carmen Gwin, Bre Zender, Carly Takata, Josh Intveld, Erika Beaudin, Tristin Rieken, Sarah Harder, Ruth Hidy, Kristin Syre, Jessica Rodriges, Suzanne Yorks

Motion to adopt meeting minutes by Tristan.  Adopted by group.

Membership Update:  44 members at this time.  Won an award for membership.  Registration is new & different.  Kristen enjoys it.

Treasurer’s report reviewed.    US Bank account will be closed out.

Guest speaker:  Carly Takata.  Acme School Improvement Plan: School board very pleased that PTA money raised is focused on kids. 

Leadership team meets once a month, focused on moving acme in the right direction.  Mrs. Harder, Mr. White, Mrs. Rodriguez, Sandra Simon, Heidi Brown.  Binder available for review during conference time includes where we are, where are we going, target goals. 

                Working toward reading and math goals.  Focusing on new attendance goal.

                Will be looking at mission in the leadership team

                Our kids are struggling with proficiency, below state standards

43% students not at grade level at beginning of the year.  Goal is by Dec 7th to be at 68% at grade level.

                Focusing on uninterrupted blocks of time for reading and math for teachers.

                Parent involvement is threaded throughout plans


Jog a thon, great success, party coming up, assembly presentation great addition to jog a thon, more top earner prizes next year, everyone gets ice cream party

Launching Success – shopping day is November 29 – Dec 5th, mention Acme school at checkout, will donate 10% to school, need to notify teachers too.  Can shop online and still get donation to school

Spirit Wear, will go out on Monday, will come back for Christmas.  Turn in next Monday – Friday.  Hats will be on order form.  Order forms at book fair. 

Education levy in February.  Need more registered voters.

Bingo & Auction.  Earlier the better for donors.  Need team leader.  Online collective for not asking business more than once.  Committee meeting will be coming up soon.  Let Tristen know if you are interested.  Class projects are very successful items. 

Enrichment Programs:

Missoula Children’s Theater.  Val Lloyd will be housing possibly.  Proposal to fund $1000 extra to pay for a pianist and food and lodging for employees in case housing falls through.  Total $4500 expenditure possibly.  Long discussion.

Enrichment Assembly in May: come with ideas if you have any for next meeting

Math Club update:  36 kids.  Many kids interested in competition.  Training for competition will start soon.  Might be opening to younger kids to focus on math facts at a younger age.  More to come.


                Harvest festival.  Went well.  Josh will be chair next year.  New energy for bake sale next year.

November Book fair is set up.  Only a few volunteer spots left.  Signed up through mostly volunteer spot.  $1000 scholastic dollars available to spend. Carmen proposes $50 per teacher, $100 for library.  Teacher preview of book fair is tomorrow, wish lists will be made.

School/Staff Support

                Teacher conference dinner is underway – Kim is in charge and everything is well under control

Request for Funds


Unfinished Business

Playground exploration – Charlie has a designer named Larry who is excited.  Let Heidi know if you want to join the committee

Community garage sale – Kristin will talk to Carly and Michelle.  $10/table?  Craft sale as well proposed by Erika.  Santa at Garage Sale?  Pictures with Santa?

School Garden – Erika – 4 beds out there.  Expanding not an option yet.  Lesson plan development for garden education.  Committee is needed.  Foothills community food coop meeting.  School garden will be moved to enrichment and discussed at the next meeting. 

Popcorn with the Principal – Need a volunteer to pop popcorn for next Friday
Bus Driver Appreciation – feedback

New Business

Schoola – parent volunteered to run a drive.  Donate clothes.  PTA gets 40% proceeds.  Coordinate a drive with an event.   

Newsletter blurbs will include garden, garage sale, Schoola drive, Launching Success.  Blurbs due by Tuesday the 25th. 

? Videographer for events for parents who have to miss assemblies.  Ask Carly about rules.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15

October 15, 2015

Acme Elementary PTA Meeting

Called to order at 18:30

Members Present: Carley Takata, Kim Cook, Ruth Hidy, Christina Pelzer, Tristin Rieken, Renee Burten, Carmen Gwin, Nicole Woodrich, Charlie Burleigh, Jessica Heiser, Tom Heiser, Lacey DeLange, Emily DeGroot, Julie Gill, Bre Zender, Erika Beaudin, Erin DeRoco, Renee Kalsbeek, Natasha Little, Heidi Brown, Kristin Syre and Melinda George

Special Guest Charlie Burleigh spoke about a safe playground for all the students in the district.  He is working with a designer to come up with the best plan for the schools playgrounds.  If all goes according to plan the first steps will take place this coming summer.

Immediate attention could be directed to the Para-Ed’s to see if there are any current needs. Ideas that were discussed included more balls, hula hoops and jump ropes.

Minutes: were reviewed and accepted as written.  Tristin made the motion and Kristin second the motion.

Treasures Report: was reviewed

Membership: 40 current members


Jog-a-thon was reviewed by Tristin.  The money count as of tonight is $11,729.50.  She will need help with prize distributing.

Launching Success Shopping Week for Acme is November 29-December 5.  10% of your total proceeds go to the PTA if you mention Acme Elementary while checking out.


            Math Club will be starting Monday for the 3-6th grades.  So far we have over 20 kids participating.  We will operate 3 stations and the kids will rotate.  The club will be linked to the math concepts the students will be learning for the week.

            Acme Activities will be held prior to the assembly this year and will be a full 30 minutes of enrichment.  The size of the group will be limited to 14 students and any help will be appreciated on the day of.

            Missoula Children’s Theater will bring Sleeping Beauty to Acme on November 30th.  We will be hosting 2 shows on Saturday December 5 and hopefully a school based performance on Friday.  Also we will host the after school workshops this year.


            Harvest Festival will be held on Oct 24th and the committee is seeking lots of volunteer help.  Set up will take place on Friday Oct 23 from 5-8pm.

            We are looking for a book fair Co-Chair to learn the ropes from Carmen!  The book fair will take place from November 16-20th and a teacher preview will be held on the 13th.

            Conference dinner for the staff will be held on November 19 from 4:30-5:30.  We are looking for a team leader.






            Mrs. Rodriguez will be hosting a 5th and 6th grade choir during the second recess starting soon.

September 17, 2015
Acme Elementary PTA Meeting
Called to order at: 18:31
Members Present: Erin DeRoco, Carmen Gwin, Heidi Brown, Tristin Rieken, Renee Kalsbeek, Melinda George, Erika Beaudin, Maria Ines Benson, Suzanne Yorks, Kim Cook, Jana Miesuk, Julie Gill, Ruth Hidy and Kristin Syre

Welcomes and Introductions were made.

June Meeting minutes were reviewed.  Carmen made a motion to accept them into record and Tristin second the motion.

The standing rules were presented with language changes made to #10 and #17.  The changes were read and discussion followed.  Erin moved it to accept the changes and Kristin second the motion.  The vote to approve was unanimous.

Membership was up to 13 members.

                Heidi and Tristin presented a jog-a-thon update.  Look for packets to come home soon.  There is a need for volunteers and a signup sheet went around the table.
                Carmen presented the box tops and labels for education.  If you would like to help Carmen count or learn what she does contact her.  It would be helpful to pack them in bags of 50.
                Math Club was presented by Heidi.  The committee decided to make a few changes to make a more sustainable model for the year.  It will be for 3-6th grades and will be made up of stations and games.  They are looking for a teacher to head up a math challenge team to compete in the county challenge this year.
                Mountain school will take place in early spring.  We need to get contracts and deposits done in the near future.
                Activities coordinator will need to coordinate 3 activity days over the course of the year.  The first one will be October 21.
                Assemblies’ coordinator will need to coordinate an assembly for May.
                Ice Cream Social review was lead by Carmen.  Thanks Carmen.
                Book Fair for October 8 Carmen will need help with set up and take down.  The longer November fair will need lots of volunteer help and she would like to do the teacher wish lists too.
                Curriculum Night intro was lead by Kristin and she is looking for kitchen serving help.
                Harvest Festival committee had a committee meeting and planning is underway for a great night on October 24.  Kristin has a second meeting planned for September 29 at 6pm anyone is welcome.

Treasurer's Report - Kristin reviewed the income and expenses.  Julie made a motion to enter them into record as submitted.

Request for Funds- nothing submitted

Unfinished Business
                A calendar update will be available at the next meeting for those who are interested.  It will also be posted on the website.
                Closure of the US Bank account still needs completion.
New Business
                Erika presented and idea of a school garden.  Tristin will pass along her info to Erika.  Support was given for the garden.  Erika will proceed with further planning.
                Newsletter deadline is September 23 for information to get to Erin. The print date will be September 28.
                A community garage sale event was suggested by Kristin for Saturday December 12.  Rent a table for a set amount of money.  Further planning is to come.

Next Meeting October 15 at 18:30 - Special Guest Charlie Burleigh will be speaking about playground updates/upgrades.

Meeting adjourned at 19:45.

Entered into record by:______________________________________Date:____________________

June 11, 2015
Acme PTA General Meeting
Called to order at 19:04
Members Present: Kim Cook, Heidi Brown, Kristie Lindsay, Renee
Kalsbeek, Lacey DeLange, Erin DeRoco, Carmen Gwin, Sara Harder,
Natasha Little, Ruth Hidy, Katy Campbell, Kristin Syre, Barb Malec,
Tristin Rieken and Kent Rogers

May Minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Barb to accept them
as written and it was second by Katy.

April/May treasures report was given by Kristin.  A motion was made by
Kim to accept it as presented and Barb 2ed the motion.

    Jog a thon team is being put together for summer planning!
    6th grade party was successful.  A thank you to Tristin and Laura for hosting!
    Roller Skating Party June 15, 2015!  Please come 3-5 Skagit Skate
    Ice cream Social Chair is Carmen!
    Curriculum Night!  We are looking for a chair to lead on Oct 8.
    Harvest Festival chair is Kristin!
    Math Club is looking for a summer planning committee.
    Art Show is wrapped up for the year.
Heidi introduced the idea of a 2015/16 Acme Activities coordinator and
a Assemblies Enrichment coordinator.  We are looking for 2 people to
take on this roll in the upcoming year.
Discussion was held on a picnic table request.  A motion was made by
Tristin to give the $800 for the purchasing of a single picnic table.
Barb 2ed the motion and a vote was held in favor of the motion.
    Must be arranged with Janet
    A new staff welcome packet/gift was discussed it should include
scholastic book dollars.
    Calendar update needs to be revised one last time.
    Financial review needs to happen after June 30.

Kristin requested to please fill out a reimbursement slip when asking for a reimbursement to keep the Treasurer's books clean.
Meeting Adjourned at 20:20
Entered into record

May 14, 2015         
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:31
Members Present: Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Barb Malec, Katy Campbell, Ruth Hidy, Renee Kalsbeek, Carmen Gwin, Tristin Rieken , Kent Rogers and Special Guest Troy Wright.

Special guest Troy Wright spoke about the new Mountaineer Parent Group.

Previous minutes were reviewed.  The motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Katy and the second was from Barb.

Treasures report had no action.
                The 2015/2016 Budget was reviewed.  Barb made a motion to accept the budget with a modification to add a line item for the playground.  The motion was second by Katy.  The vote was unanimously in favor.

2015/2016 Calendar review was lead by Heidi and the group chooses to adopt the proposal.  PTA meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday next year.

                Jog a thon 2015/2016 looking for team.

                -Teacher appreciation       Thank You Barb!
                -Spring Expo/Book Fair      It is all set to go with 28 scientists!
                -Field Day volunteers needed by Mr. White.  Please sign up!!
                -6th grade party                    nothing
                -End of the year party       Roller Skating 3-5 June 15
                -Ice Cream Social is on September 2
                -Curriculum Night is on October 8

                Kent presented next year’s EOM and it will be configured differently from years past.  Each month from the 2:45-3:15 students will be recognized for achievements.  In addition to those assemblies 8 more sessions will be held for various activities.   PTA help will be requested for some of those 8 sessions.

                -2 requests for funds were made by Janet. 
                                A motion was made by Barb to approve the Bunting request and it was 2ed by Kent. 
Questions were asked regarding the picnic tables and that request was tabled until Junes meeting.

                This will be scheduled outside of the PTA meeting.

                -Rainy day recess we need to wrap this up.
                -Final meeting planning will be a Taco bar set for June 11.

                Nothing new

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45

Entered into record by:                                                                                                 Date:

April 16,2015
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:30
Members Present: Renee Kalsbeek, Natasha Little, Tristin Rieken, Erin
DeRoco, Kristie Lindsay, Carmen Gwin, Kent Rogers, Barb Malec, Katy
Campbell, Ruth Hidy and Kim Cook

Previous Minutes were reviewed.  The motion to accept the minutes as
written was made by Kristie and the second was from Renee.

Treasures report was given by Tristin.  The motion to approve them as
submitted was made by Kim and the second was from Tristin.

    -Book fair Barb made a motion to continue to offer 3 book fairs next
year. Kristie second the         motion.  Carmen will notify the
scholastic company.
    Tristin made a motion to give the expiring scholastic points
(169.94) to the library.  It was           approved by the membership.
    -Jog a Thon 2015sign ups went around the room.
    -SCRIP Looking for a new committee.  Kim, Katy and Heidi may all be interested.

    -Mariner Tickets So far we have sold 53-$27 tickets and 28 $12.  The
check needs to be sent by
    April 21,
    -Staff Appreciation Week is planned.  The committee is looking for
luncheon help May7.
    -6th grade party will have a planning meeting on 4-20.
    -end of the year Skating party tabled for Kristin in May.
    -Ice Cream Social still working on a date.

    -EOM no activities this month.  The assembly will be about Mt.
School, math club and pie thrown
    At Mr. White. EOM in May will be Barb, Katy, Heidi and Natasha.
    -Mt. School recap was given by Kent.  He said that he had 3 main
points to make.
        -Top notch science program.
        -very empowering for the kids
        -kids of all social classes bonded together in the setting.
    -Spring Expo a committee planning meeting was held after the general
meeting.  Kent is taking
    Care of the art walk emails to the staff.  Flyers coming home soon.

    April 23

    -Primary classes headed to the theater soon.
    -If you see any cool field trip information around gather it up and
bring it in to the staff room.

BUDGET 2015-16
    -The board will have a proposal to the general meeting in May.

    -Carrie Cranbourne is the drawing winner!  Thanks for all your help Carrie.
    -May 11 the staff is hosting a volunteer tea at 1:15.

    -Rainey day recess games have been collected and will be distributed.
    -June 11 final meeting planning and discussion about dinner held.
    -Newsletter Erin has enough content to put one together and get it out.
    -Playground committee will be on hold for a few months and looking
for a new chair person.
    -Carley coming in July.  We are looking in to putting together a
welcome basket.
    -Talent show auditions will be the first week of June.  The staff is
working on an act.  PTA act???
    One parent is needed for audition help.  Help day of would be
appreciated too.

Meeting Adjourned 19:37

Entered into record by:

March 12,2015
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at: 18:35
Members Present: Kent Rogers, Suzanne Yorks, Ruth Hidy, Andi Zamora,
Kristin Syre, Laura Smith, Katy Campbell, Carrie Cranbourne, Carmen
Gwin, Heidi Brown, Kristie Lindsay, Lacey DeLange, Barb Malec, Tristin
Rieken, Renee Kalsbeek and Kim Cook

Special guest introduction: Carley  Takata Acme’s  new principal!

Minutes review- The motion was made by Tristin to accept the February
minutes as written and enter them into record.  Katy 2ed the motion.

Treasures Report was reviewed. Kristie made a motion to accept them as
written and Suzanne 2ed the motion.

    -Bingo/Silent Auction we have one last check to deposit.  The night
brought in around $4,000 for     the PTA.
    -Box Tops were submitted for approximately $290.00.

    -Mariners Night will have two seating options and the game will be on
May 10th.  Payment will be     due on April 21.
    -Principal’s day Chairperson is Carrie.
    -Teacher/Staff appreciation week will be organized outside of the
meeting through email.

    -EOM music in the schools will be followed up with Heidi calling Kent.
    -Math Club has two more sessions and a feedback form will be handed
out at the final session.
    -Mountain School is moving along smoothly for a complex activity.
    -Book fair will be May 14-19.

Kindergarten registration will be April 23.  Heidi, Andi and Tristin
will host a table.

Playground update The committee will tour other playgrounds and then
come up with 3 funding options for different playgrounds.  Carrie and
Kristin have fundraising ideas.

Budget committee will make a proposal and the Board will review it
prior to the April 16 meeting.

Board Elections were held.  Heidi President, Tristin Vice President,
Kristin Treasure and Kim Secretary.
The vote was a unanimous yes decision for all positions.

    -School directory printing bid is for $66.00 through the school print
shop.  Tristin proposed     $100.00 to be allocated to the cost from the
    -Jennifer George was the winner of the “get connected form” prize giveaway.


    -MCT is reserved for next year.  The play will be Sleeping Beauty.
Laura needs to make the     $500.00 deposit to reserve the week by April
5.  She is also looking into a grant with Kristin to     help cover the
cost of the play.
    -Laura and Tristin will chair the 6th grade party.  We have $400.00
in the budget for the party.
    -The para-ed’s have asked for rainy day recess games.  PTA members
will gather games in a box     in the office for them.
    -Marines Night May 10
    -School Directory
    -Spring Expo and BOGO Book Fair
    -Thank You for BINGO and Silent Auction support.
    -Kindergarten registration April 23
    -Mountain School wrap up
    -Get your talents ready for the talent show in June

Meeting Adjourned at 19:45

February 12, 2015
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at 19:04
Members Present:  Carmen Gwin, Carrie Camborne, Natasha King, Renee
Kalsbeek, Ruth Hidy, Tristin Rieken, Kristie Lindsay, Barb Malec, Katy
Campbell, Collette Daniels, Andi Zamora, Heidi Brown, Jennifer George
and Kim Cook

A special presentation was given by Charlie Burleigh and the Mt. Baker
School Board outlining the principal hiring process with a short
question and answer period following the presentation.

Minutes from the January meeting were reviewed.  Katy made a motion to
adopt them into record.

Treasures report was given by Tristin

    -Bingo Night and Silent Auction were reviewed by Tristin.
    -Carmen will take more box tops before the March 1st deadline.

    -Teacher conference dinner will be hosted by Katy on March 12.
    -Renee will be in charge of the Mariners Night ticket purchasing.  It
was agreed that we should           have two options of tickets $12 and
    -Teacher/staff Appreciation week will be hosted by Barb, Katy, Andi
and Heidi.  Any other help              would be greatly appreciated.

    -EOM on February 27 will be hosted by Heidi and possibly Katy.
    -Math Club 60 kids enrolled, a huge success.
    -Mountain school coming up on March 23-25.
    -Spring Expo, Science Fair and Art walk on May 16.  Heidi and Ruth
will co-chair the event.
    -BOGO book fair will take place as well May 14,15, 16 and 18,19
chaired by Carmen.

    -Playground committee meeting on Wednesday February 18.  The district
would possibly match           the funds we raise $1 for $1.
    -Talent Show committee needs help with auditions and stage parents on
day of the show.  Katy and       Kim will help.

    -Katy presented the school directory as a rough draft.  It is now off
to get the printing details              worked out.
    -Still waiting on the “get connected” forms for the prize giveaway.
    -Board Elections will be held in March at the general meeting.

    -Nothing brought forth

Meeting Adjourned at 20:00
Entered into record

January 15, 2015
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:31
Members Present: Renee Kalsbeek, Kim Cook, Kristin Syre, Carmen Gwin, Barb Malec, Heidi brown, Tristin Rieken, Sarah Harder, Kristie Lindsay, Erin DeRoco and Kent Rogers Guest Present: Natasha King, Jacob little, Marianne Criscuola and Andi Zamora

Minutes were handed out to all in attendance

The treasures report was given by Kristin and reviewed by all.
                - Peoples Bank has brought up a concern about our account name regarding  how checks are written to the PTA.  This issue was discussed and it was decided that we would keep the account name as it is currently registered with the state and IRS.

Membership:  We have a bunch of new staff members!

                -Bingo Night and Auction planning meeting will be held on Jan 21 at 5:30.  This will take place at                   the Acme Diner.   

                -Movie night  Planes Fire and Rescue on the 17th and the next movie night is on Feb 6th possibly                               showing Dolphin Tale 2.
                -The Spring Social was cancelled for this year.
                -Expo Science/Art Fair Heidi will Chair
                -End of the year roller skating party Kristin will chair

                -EOM Barb and Carmen will host a Valentine Craft and Heidi will have the Humane Society
                -Math Club will be held for 6 Monday’s  February 2 through March 16 after school until 4:30.
                 Heidi is looking for help hosting this club. 
                -Mountain School informational meeting was held for parents.
                -Spring BOGO book fair needs to be booked for May 16.

                -Play ground Exploration committee is begin formed.  Interested people are Kristie, Brandon, barb          and Kim.
                -Nominating Committee chair person is Barb.  The nominations need to be at the March 12                          meeting and the vote will be at the April 16 meeting.

                -Katy is working on having the directory ready for a review at the February meeting.
                -Newsletter deadline will be April 15 and will be sent out on April 20.
                -Online volunteer form/survey is 2 people away from the drawing.
                -There have been no new staff requests for purchases.

                -We have $346 book fair dollars going to expire in May.  Tristin proposed to give the new Math                                   club ½ the dollars  for games and the para-educators the ½  for indoor recess games. Renee second                  the motion and it was a unanimous vote of approval.
                -Talent Show on June 12.  Looking for adult help for try outs and adult acts for the show.
                -Field Day will be seeking volunteers on June 15.

Meeting was adjourned at 19:39
Entered into record by:_________________________________________Date_____________________

December 11, 2014
Acme PTA General Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:30
Members Present: Kim Cook, Kristie Lindsay, Carmen Gwin, Tristin Rieken, Kristin Syre, Erin DeRoco, Ruth Hidy, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kent Rogers

Minutes from the November meeting were reviewed Erin moved to enter them into record and Tristin second the motion.

The treasures report was given by Kristin.  Kim moved to enter the corrected report into record and Heidi second the motion. 

Membership was corrected from last month to 36

                -Bingo/Auction night was discussed  by the chair Tristin.  She is seeking more donations and help                                with both aspects of the event on February 28. 

                -Movie Night will be held on January 17 at 18:30.  The movie was selected Planes Fire and Ice.
                -A review of MCT was handed out to meeting attendee’s to be filled out and returned to Renee.

                - The December assembly will be story telling.
                - Math club is continuing to move forward and become a reality for the students at Acme.

                - Playground committee is still in it’s infancy
                - Nominating committee is still seeking members

                -School Directory tabled until Katy returns
                -Spirit Gear Heidi is seeking help with handing out order.  Kim will help her.
                -Newsletter will feature topics like the Bingo/Auction, website, movie night, mountain school,                                    playground committee and math club.  Deadline of Jan5 for a Jan 12 printing
                -There is a face book volunteer online survey for people to take.  It will help us gather data.
                -Tristin presented a staff request form for needs which will help us on making decisions with the                               extra information we get.
                Bank account change
                                For the purpose of changing bank accounts from US bank to Peoples Bank
                                Officers are   President - Heidi Brown
                                                       Vice President -Tristin Rieken             
                                                        Treasure - Kristin Syre
                                                        Secretary - Kim Cook
                                Heidi Brown is allowed  open the account on behalf of the Acme PTA.
                                The signers on the account will be Heidi Brown and Kim Cook.

                - A discussion was held regarding the PTA having a savings account.  A motion was made by        Kristie to keep just a checking account.  The motion was second by Erin.  It was voted on and                approved.

Meeting Adjourned at 19:25
Entered into record by:____________________________________________Date_________________

November 13, 2014

Acme PTA General/Board Meeting

Called to order at 18:34

Members Present:  Tristin Rieken, Carmen Gwin, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Katy Campbell, Suzanne Yorks, Kristin Syre, Ruth Hidy, Jon Anderson, Sarah Harder and Kent Rogers

Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and one correction was made adding Renee to the Scrip committee.  The motion was made by Tristin to accept the minutes with the correction.  It was second by Suzanne.

The treasures report was given and Kim made a motion to accept it as submitted and Carmen second the motion.  It was entered into record.

The bank change is still on the table and will be completed in the near future.                                               (US Bank to Peoples)                                                                                                                                                     

Membership is at 39


             JOG-A-THON will be completed with the popcorn party on 11-19 and the ice cream party is still in the works.  A  big thanks to Tristin and Heidi!

             Scholastic Book Fair Carmen reported she is in need of volunteers.  She is mostly set up and ready.  Each teacher will be given $50 and the Library will be given $200 to spend at the fair.

             Bingo Night/ Auction Tristin is seeking donations for the auction and handed out a flyer with possibilities.

             SCRIP proposal put together by Tristin and the committee was given the information to get things moving in the right direction. They will meet before the end of the year. Kristin will chair the committee and the members will be Suzanne, Heidi and Katy.


             Harvest Festival went well with the exception of electricity troubles which have hopefully been resolved.  The time will be moved back to 6-8pm next year.

             Teacher Conference Dinner will be hosted by Katy and it will be a Chile dinner.  Sign-ups went around for donations.

             MCT will be the 1st through the 6th of December.  Performances will be at 1 and 6 on the 6th . 

             Laura is looking for volunteers to host dinners for the directors and with helping kids on the performance days.  The price of $2 per person or $5 for a family was agreed on for the show.

             Movie night tabled until December

             Spring Social tabled also


             EOM Heidi sent around a sign up for leading rooms in the coming months. 

             Math Club was discussed and a committee formed with Ruth, Sarah, Suzanne, Kim, Kristin with Heidi as the chair.

             Spring Expo will be held in May.


             Nominating committee : nothing new

             Playground Exploration Committee : Heidi, Tristin, Kristin, and Katy


             School Directory Katy will be keeping it simple and getting it put together as soon as she can.

             TerraCycle tabled until Katy can meet with Kent.

             Amazon  Affiliates account being set up with the leader@acmepta email

             Spirit gear orders being put together by Heidi

             Website Tristin is continuing to put together a fabulous site.

             School Assemblies it was suggested to bring in a story teller, native dancers or a magician.

             Die Cut purchase will be made to improve the machine in the staff room.  Tristin made the motion and Kristin second the motion.  The vote was unanimously in favor.

             Newsletter will be possibly coming out before the end of December.


             Janet asked for funding to purchase American flag bunting to decorate the school for the fourth of July and Veterans Day.  We need to have more purchase details.

             The amount we charge on T-shirts was brought up by Tristin.  She would like to see an increase but this discussion was tabled.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:20

Entered into record by:________________________________________________Date:____________________________


October 16, 2014
Acme PTA General/Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:31
Members Present: Tristin Rieken, Carmen Gwin, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Kristie Lindsay, Katy Campbell, Erin DeRoco, Suzanne Yorks, Kristin Syre, and Ruth Hidy

Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed.  Renee made a motion to enter them into record and Carmen second the motion.

Treasures Report was given by Kristin.  Kim made a motion to accept the treasures report and Erin second the motion.
            Kristin asked for approval to switch from US Bank to a local bank.  She requested Peoples Bank.  Tristin made a motion to approve the switch and Suzanne second the motion.  It was approved unanimously.
Kristin and Heidi will coordinate the move with the other signers.

Membership was reviewed by Kristin and she will begin registering families now with the state PTA.  Our board members have been registered already.
Jog-a-thon  Tristin gave a recap of the day with suggestions made for next year and recorded them in the jog-a-thon book.  Thanks to Tristin and Heidi for a great fundraiser!
Scholastic Book fair for November will be chaired by Carmen.  She reported our account for scholastic dollars at $775.97.  She also requested needing help with newsletters and flyers.
Bingo Night and Auction will be chaired by Tristin.  She is seeking donations for the auction.
       Spring fundraiser idea’s were discussed. Scrip was one of the ideas.  The committee formed was Katy,                           Heidi and Kristin.
Fred Meyer will also be a location for school bucks.
Harvest Festival  Kristin gave a committee meeting update and requested volunteers for set up (Nov 1 from 11-2) and evening of the event.
November book Fair
Missoula Children’s Theater We are looking for housing for the folks coming.  Renee will talk to Laura about an option.
Movie Night coming up January 17th.  Kim will chair this event.
EOM on Oct. 31.  Heidi, Kristin, Carmen and Katy will lead activities this month.
Mountain School  Planning meetings are begin held.
Field trips K-2 theater tickets are reserved for the spring.
Math club hoping for a January start and looking for a Mathematician type leader.
Budget and Financial review will be one committee and the members are Tristin, Erin and Carmen.
Nominating committee is still looking for members
PTA training recap.  Erin and Heidi went and the reviews were not outstanding.
School Directory tabled
Terra Cycle Katy looking into the possibility with Kent.
Amazon Smile Shopping is and easy way to earn .5% on each shopping experience for the school.  Kristin made a motion to get this up and running.
Light laser night show tabled.
The assembly committee would like to hire some entertainment during a few assemblies. This funding could possibly come from the Enrichment  budget.  Ideas that were discussed were the Fifth Avenue Theater , Magicians, Village Books story tellers, and the Western theater department.

Meeting Adjourned at 20:10

September 18, 2014
Acme PTA General/Board Meeting
Called to order at 18:33
Members Present: Tristin Rieken, Carmen Gwin, Renee Kalsbeek, Heidi Brown, Kim Cook, Barb Malec, Katy Campbell, Erin DeRoco, Amanda Intveld, Kristin Syre, Mary Kalsbeek, Kent Rogers and Ruth Hidy
Welcomes were said and introductions were made.
June meeting minutes were read and a motion was made by Barb to accept them and enter them into record.  The motion was second by Erin and they were approved.
Standing Rules were reviewed and the changes noted.  They were voted on and approved unanimously.
2014-2015 Budget was reviewed by Kristin.  Kim made a motion to adopt the budget with the changes mentioned by Kristin.  Barb second the motion and the budget was approved.
Tristin presented the Acme Strategic Plan and it will be displayed at all meetings.
Treasures report was given by Kristin and it was entered into record.
Fundraising report was given on the jog-a-thon and Tristin is looking for volunteers to help with various tasks.
Fall Events Reports
                Ice Cream Social: The event went smoothly and the folder has been updated.
                Curriculum Night: The event went smoothly but a date change should be made for next year.
                Book Fair:  A smashing success $900.00 for one night.
                Harvest Festival: Looking for new games and created a committee to work on it.
                November Book Fair:  Carmen Gwin accepted the chair position.
                Missoula Children’s Theater: Laura has confirmed a pianist.
-EOM: Kent gave a quick update on this year’s lay out which will be a brief assembly beginning at    2:15 and then 40 minute activities following. 
                -Mountain School: Will be attended in March by our 6th grade class.
-Field Trips:  Usually start up in April.  Discussion was held regarding putting a field trip idea notebook together.
New Business
                -Katy brought fourth and idea of a school directory and was told to go forward with her plans.
-Katy also brought a fundraising idea which was cash incentive recycle program with a company   called TerraCycle.  She will come back with a proposal in October.
Katy also had another fundraising idea for Amazon shopping.  More research to be done.
Good of the order: Kent won the door prize!
Meeting adjourned at 20:07
Entered into record by:________________________________Date:__________________________

Acme PTA Board Meeting

July 21. 2014

Called to order at 15:54

Members Present: Tristin Riekin, Erin DeRoco, Heidi Brown, Kristin Syre, Renee Kalsbeek, Barb Malec and Kim Cook

- Tristin reported the audit was performed on the treasures books and that the findings were excellent.  The finale report will be given in September.

-Budget review and revision were tabled until the September Executive board meeting.


                Ice Cream social is headed by Kim and will be held on August 28 from 3-4 pm.

                                Acme Diner donated the ice cream.

                Jog a thon meeting is scheduled for August 4 at 5 pm in the Brown’s barn.

                Math Club planning meeting is scheduled for August 4 at 4 pm in the Brown’s barn.

Curriculum Night is headed by Kristin and will be held on September 16.  She will be ordering     

the pizza soon.  Barb is in charge of the book fair during this event. 

Meeting adjourned at 16:34

The next meeting will be September 8  at 1pm in the Brown’s Barn.

Pre-2015 minutes available by request